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Managing Open Data Hub

Table of Contents

As an OpenShift cluster administrator, you can manage the following Open Data Hub resources:

  • Users and groups

  • The dashboard interface, including the visibility of navigation menu options

  • Applications that show in the dashboard

  • Custom deployment resources that are related to the Open Data Hub Operator, for example, CPU and memory limits and requests

  • Accelerators

  • Distributed workloads

  • Data backup

Managing users and groups

Users with administrator access to OpenShift Container Platform can add, modify, and remove user permissions for Open Data Hub.

Overview of user types and permissions

Table 1 describes the Open Data Hub user types.

Table 1. User types
User Type Permissions


Machine learning operations (MLOps) engineers and data scientists can access and use individual components of Open Data Hub, such as workbenches and data science pipelines.


In addition to the actions permitted to users, administrators can perform these actions:

  • Configure Open Data Hub settings.

  • Access and manage notebook servers.

  • Access and manage data science pipeline applications for any data science project.

By default, all OpenShift users have access to Open Data Hub. In addition, users in the OpenShift administrator group (cluster admins), automatically have administrator access in Open Data Hub.

Optionally, if you want to restrict access to your Open Data Hub deployment to specific users or groups, you can create user groups for users and administrators.

If you decide to restrict access, and you already have groups defined in your configured identity provider, you can add these groups to your Open Data Hub deployment. If you decide to use groups without adding these groups from an identity provider, you must create the groups in OpenShift Container Platform and then add users to them.

There are some operations relevant to Open Data Hub that require the cluster-admin role. Those operations include:

  • Adding users to the Open Data Hub user and administrator groups, if you are using groups.

  • Removing users from the Open Data Hub user and administrator groups, if you are using groups.

  • Managing custom environment and storage configuration for users in OpenShift Container Platform, such as Jupyter notebook resources, ConfigMaps, and persistent volume claims (PVCs).


Although users of Open Data Hub and its components are authenticated through OpenShift, session management is separate from authentication. This means that logging out of OpenShift Container Platform or Open Data Hub does not affect a logged in Jupyter session running on those platforms. This means that when a user’s permissions change, that user must log out of all current sessions in order for the changes to take effect.

Viewing Open Data Hub users

Additional resources

If you have defined Open Data Hub user groups, you can view the users that belong to these groups.

  • The Open Data Hub user group, administrator group, or both exist.

  • You have the cluster-admin role in OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have configured a supported identity provider for OpenShift Container Platform.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click User ManagementGroups.

  2. Click the name of the group containing the users that you want to view.

    • For administrative users, click the name of your administrator group. for example, odh-admins.

    • For normal users, click the name of your user group, for example, odh-users.

      The Group details page for the group appears.

  • In the Users section for the relevant group, you can view the users who have permission to access Open Data Hub.

Adding users to Open Data Hub user groups

By default, all OpenShift users have access to Open Data Hub.

Optionally, you can restrict user access to your Open Data Hub instance by defining user groups. You must grant users permission to access Open Data Hub by adding user accounts to the Open Data Hub user group, administrator group, or both. You can either use the default group name, or specify a group name that already exists in your identity provider.

The user group provides the user with access to product components in the Open Data Hub dashboard, such as data science pipelines, and associated services, such as Jupyter. By default, users in the user group have access to data science pipeline applications within data science projects that they created.

The administrator group provides the user with access to developer and administrator functions in the Open Data Hub dashboard, such as data science pipelines, and associated services, such as Jupyter. Users in the administrator group can configure data science pipeline applications in the Open Data Hub dashboard for any data science project.

If you restrict access by using user groups, users that are not in the Open Data Hub user group or administrator group cannot view the dashboard and use associated services, such as Jupyter. They are also unable to access the Cluster settings page.


If you are using LDAP as your identity provider, you need to configure LDAP syncing to OpenShift Container Platform. For more information, see Syncing LDAP groups.

Follow the steps in this section to add users to your Open Data Hub administrator and user groups.

Note: You can add users in Open Data Hub but you must manage the user lists in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

  • You have configured a supported identity provider for OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You are assigned the cluster-admin role in OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have defined an administrator group and user group for Open Data Hub.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click User ManagementGroups.

  2. Click the name of the group you want to add users to.

    • For administrative users, click the administrator group, for example, {oai-admin-group}.

    • For normal users, click the user group, for example, {oai-user-group}.

      The Group details page for that group appears.

  3. Click ActionsAdd Users.

    The Add Users dialog appears.

  4. In the Users field, enter the relevant user name to add to the group.

  5. Click Save.

  • Click the Details tab for each group and confirm that the Users section contains the user names that you added.

Selecting Open Data Hub administrator and user groups

By default, all users authenticated in OpenShift can access Open Data Hub.

Also by default, users with cluster-admin permissions are Open Data Hub administrators. A cluster admin is a superuser that can perform any action in any project in the OpenShift cluster. When bound to a user with a local binding, they have full control over quota and every action on every resource in the project.

After a cluster admin user defines additional administrator and user groups in OpenShift, you can add those groups to Open Data Hub by selecting them in the Open Data Hub dashboard.

  • You have logged in to Open Data Hub as a user with Open Data Hub administrator privileges.

  • The groups that you want to select as administrator and user groups for Open Data Hub already exist in OpenShift Container Platform. For more information, see Managing users and groups.

  1. From the Open Data Hub dashboard, click SettingsUser management.

  2. Select your Open Data Hub administrator groups: Under Data science administrator groups, click the text box and select an OpenShift group. Repeat this process to define multiple administrator groups.

  3. Select your Open Data Hub user groups: Under Data science user groups, click the text box and select an OpenShift group. Repeat this process to define multiple user groups.

    The system:authenticated setting allows all users authenticated in OpenShift to access Open Data Hub.
  4. Click Save changes.

  • Administrator users can successfully log in to Open Data Hub and have access to the Settings navigation menu.

  • Non-administrator users can successfully log in to Open Data Hub. They can also access and use individual components, such as projects and workbenches.

Deleting users

About deleting users and their resources

If you have administrator access to OpenShift Container Platform, you can revoke a user’s access to Jupyter and delete the user’s resources from Open Data Hub.

Deleting a user and the user’s resources involves the following tasks:

  • Before you delete a user from Open Data Hub, it is good practice to back up the data on your persistent volume claims (PVCs).

  • Stop notebook servers owned by the user.

  • Revoke user access to Jupyter.

  • Remove the user from the allowed group in your OpenShift identity provider.

  • After you delete a user, delete their associated configuration files from OpenShift Container Platform.

Stopping notebook servers owned by other users

Open Data Hub administrators can stop notebook servers that are owned by other users to reduce resource consumption on the cluster, or as part of removing a user and their resources from the cluster.

  • You have logged in to Open Data Hub as a user with Open Data Hub administrator privileges.

  • You have launched the Jupyter application, as described in Starting a Jupyter notebook server.

  • The notebook server that you want to stop is running.

  1. On the page that opens when you launch Jupyter, click the Administration tab.

  2. Stop one or more servers.

    • If you want to stop one or more specific servers, perform the following actions:

      1. In the Users section, locate the user that the notebook server belongs to.

      2. To stop the notebook server, perform one of the following actions:

        • Click the action menu () beside the relevant user and select Stop server.

        • Click View server beside the relevant user and then click Stop notebook server.

          The Stop server dialog box appears.

      3. Click Stop server.

    • If you want to stop all servers, perform the following actions:

      1. Click the Stop all servers button.

      2. Click OK to confirm stopping all servers.

  • The Stop server link beside each server changes to a Start server link when the notebook server has stopped.

Revoking user access to Jupyter

You can revoke a user’s access to Jupyter by removing the user from the Open Data Hub user groups that define access to Open Data Hub. When you remove a user from the user groups, the user is prevented from accessing the Open Data Hub dashboard and from using associated services that consume resources in your cluster.

Follow these steps only if you have implemented Open Data Hub user groups to restrict access to Open Data Hub. To completely remove a user from Open Data Hub, you must remove them from the allowed group in your OpenShift identity provider.
  • You have stopped any notebook servers owned by the user you want to delete.

  • You are using Open Data Hub user groups, and the user is part of the user group, administrator group, or both.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click User ManagementGroups.

  2. Click the name of the group that you want to remove the user from.

    • For administrative users, click the name of your administrator group, for example, {oai-admin-group}.

    • For non-administrator users, click the name of your user group, for example, {oai-user-group}.

    The Group details page for the group appears.

  3. In the Users section on the Details tab, locate the user that you want to remove.

  4. Click the action menu () beside the user that you want to remove and click Remove user.

  • Check the Users section on the Details tab and confirm that the user that you removed is not visible.

  • In the rhods-notebooks project, check under WorkloadsPods and ensure that there is no notebook server pod for this user. If you see a pod named jupyter-nb-<username>-* for the user that you have removed, delete that pod to ensure that the deleted user is not consuming resources on the cluster.

  • In the Open Data Hub dashboard, check the list of data science projects. Delete any projects that belong to the user.

Backing up storage data

It is a best practice to back up the data on your persistent volume claims (PVCs) regularly.

Backing up your data is particularly important before you delete a user and before you uninstall Open Data Hub, as all PVCs are deleted when Open Data Hub is uninstalled.

See the documentation for your cluster platform for more information about backing up your PVCs.

Additional resources

Cleaning up after deleting users

After you remove a user’s access to Open Data Hub or Jupyter, you must also delete the configuration files for the user from OpenShift Container Platform. Red Hat recommends that you back up the user’s data before removing their configuration files.

  • (Optional) If you want to completely remove the user’s access to Open Data Hub, you have removed their credentials from your identity provider.

  • You have revoked the user’s access to Jupyter.

  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a user with the cluster-admin role.

  1. Delete the user’s persistent volume claim (PVC).

    1. Click StoragePersistentVolumeClaims.

    2. If it is not already selected, select the rhods-notebooks project from the project list.

    3. Locate the jupyter-nb-<username> PVC.

      Replace <username> with the relevant user name.

    4. Click the action menu (⋮) and select Delete PersistentVolumeClaim from the list.

      The Delete PersistentVolumeClaim dialog appears.

    5. Inspect the dialog and confirm that you are deleting the correct PVC.

    6. Click Delete.

  2. Delete the user’s ConfigMap.

    1. Click WorkloadsConfigMaps.

    2. If it is not already selected, select the rhods-notebooks project from the project list.

    3. Locate the jupyterhub-singleuser-profile-<username> ConfigMap.

      Replace <username> with the relevant user name.

    4. Click the action menu (⋮) and select Delete ConfigMap from the list.

      The Delete ConfigMap dialog appears.

    5. Inspect the dialog and confirm that you are deleting the correct ConfigMap.

    6. Click Delete.

  • The user cannot access Jupyter any more, and sees an "Access permission needed" message if they try.

  • The user’s single-user profile, persistent volume claim (PVC), and ConfigMap are not visible in OpenShift Container Platform.

Creating custom workbench images

Open Data Hub includes a selection of default workbench images that a data scientist can select when they create or edit a workbench.

In addition, you can import a custom workbench image, for example, if you want to add libraries that data scientists often use, or if your data scientists require a specific version of a library that is different from the version provided in a default image. Custom workbench images are also useful if your data scientists require operating system packages or applications because they cannot install them directly in their running environment (data scientist users do not have root access, which is needed for those operations).

A custom workbench image is simply a container image. You build one as you would build any standard container image, by using a Containerfile (or Dockerfile). You start from an existing image (the FROM instruction), and then add your required elements.

You have the following options for creating a custom workbench image:

Additional resources

For more information about creating images, see the following resources:

Creating a custom image from a default Open Data Hub image

After Open Data Hub is installed on a cluster, you can find the default workbench images in the OpenShift console, under BuildsImageStreams for the redhat-ods-applications project.

You can create a custom image by adding OS packages or applications to a default Open Data Hub image.

  • You know which default image you want to use as the base for your custom image.

  • You have cluster-admin access to the OpenShift console for the cluster where Open Data Hub is installed.

  1. Obtain the location of the default image that you want to use as the base for your custom image.

    1. In the OpenShift console, select BuildsImageStreams.

    2. Select the redhat-ods-applications project.

    3. From the list of installed imagestreams, click the name of the image that you want to use as the base for your custom image. For example, click pytorch.

    4. On the ImageStream details page, click YAML.

    5. In the spec:tags section, find the tag for the version of the image that you want to use.

      The location of the original image is shown in the tag’s from:name section, for example:

      name: '…'

    6. Copy this location for use in your custom image.

  2. Create a standard Containerfile or Dockerfile.

  3. For the FROM instruction, specify the base image location that you copied in Step 1, for example:


  4. Optional: Install OS images:

    1. Switch to USER 0 (USER 0 is required to install OS packages).

    2. Install the packages.

    3. Switch back to USER 1001.

      The following example creates a custom workbench image that adds Java to the default PyTorch image:

       USER 0
       RUN INSTALL_PKGS="java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-devel" && \
          dnf install -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs $INSTALL_PKGS && \
          dnf -y clean all --enablerepo=*
       USER 1001
  5. Optional: Add Python packages:

    1. Specify USER 1001.

    2. Copy the requirements.txt file.

    3. Install the packages.

      The following example installs packages from the requirements.txt file in the default PyTorch image:

       USER 1001
       COPY requirements.txt ./requirements.txt
       RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Build the image file. For example, you can use podman build locally where the image file is located and then push the image to a registry that is accessible to Open Data Hub:

    $ podman build -t my-registry/my-custom-image:0.0.1 .
    $ podman push my-registry/my-custom-image:0.0.1

    Alternatively, you can leverage OpenShift’s image build capabilities by using BuildConfig.

Creating a custom image from your own image

You can build your own custom image. However, you must make sure that your image is compatible with OpenShift and Open Data Hub.

Additional resources

Basic guidelines for creating your own workbench image

The following basic guidelines provide information to consider when you build your own custom workbench image.

Designing your image to run with USER 1001

In OpenShift, your container will run with a random UID and a GID of 0. Make sure that your image is compatible with these user and group requirements, especially if you need write access to directories. Best practice is to design your image to run with USER 1001.

Avoid placing artifacts in $HOME

The persistent volume attached to the workbench will be mounted on /opt/app-root/src. This location is also the location of $HOME. Therefore, do not put any files or other resources directly in $HOME because they won’t be visible after the workbench is deployed (and the persistent volume is mounted).

Specifying the API endpoint

OpenShift readiness and liveness probes will query the /api endpoint. For a Jupyter IDE, this is the default endpoint. For other IDEs, you must implement the /api endpoint.

Advanced guidelines for creating your own workbench image

The following guidelines provide information to consider when you build your own custom workbench image.

Minimizing image size

A workbench image uses a "layered" file system. Every time you use a COPY or a RUN command in your workbench image file, a new layer is created. Artifacts are not deleted. When you remove an artifact, for example, a file, it is "masked" in the next layer. Therefore, consider the following guidelines when you create your workbench image file.

  • Avoid using the dnf update command.

    • If you start from an image that is constantly updated, such as ubi9/python-39 from the Red Hat Catalog, you might not need to use the dnf update command. This command fetches new metadata, updates files that might not have impact, and increases the workbench image size.

    • Point to a newer version of your base image rather than performing a dnf update on an older version.

  • Group RUN commands. Chain your commands by adding && \ at the end of each line.

  • If you must compile code (such as a library or an application) to include in your custom image, implement multi-stage builds so that you avoid including the build artifacts in your final image. That is, compile the library or application in an intermediate image and then copy the result to your final image, leaving behind build artifacts that you do not want included.

Setting access to files and directories

  • Set the ownership of files and folders to 1001:0 (user "default", group "0"), for example:

    COPY --chown=1001:0 os-packages.txt ./

    On OpenShift, every container is in a standard namespace (unless you modify security). The container runs with a user that has a random user ID (uid) and with a group ID (gid) of 0. Therefore, all folders that you want to write to - and all the files you want to (temporarily) modify - in your image must be accessible by the user that has the random user ID (uid). Alternatively, you can set access to any user, as shown in the following example:

    COPY --chmod=775 os-packages.txt ./
  • Build your image with /opt/app-root/src as the default location for the data that you want persisted, for example:

    WORKDIR /opt/app-root/src

    When a user launches a workbench from the Open Data Hub ApplicationsEnabled page, the "personal" volume of the user is mounted at /opt/app-root/src. Because this location is not configurable, when you build your custom image, you must specify this default location for persisted data.

  • Fix permissions to support PIP (the package manager for Python packages) in OpenShift environments. Add the following command to your custom image (if needed, change python3.9 to the Python version that you are using):

    chmod -R g+w /opt/app-root/lib/python3.9/site-packages && \
       fix-permissions /opt/app-root -P
  • A service within your workbench image must answer at ${NB_PREFIX}/api, otherwise the OpenShift liveness/readiness probes fail and delete the pod for the workbench image.

    The NB_PREFIX environment variable specifies the URL path where the container is expected to be listening.

    The following is an example of an Nginx configuration:

    location = ${NB_PREFIX}/api {
    	return 302  /healthz;
    	access_log  off;
  • For idle culling to work, the ${NB_PREFIX}/api/kernels URL must return a specifically-formatted JSON payload, as shown in the following example:

    The following is an example of an Nginx configuration:

    location = ${NB_PREFIX}/api/kernels {
    	return 302 $custom_scheme://$http_host/api/kernels/;
    	access_log  off;
    location ${NB_PREFIX}/api/kernels/ {
    	return 302 $custom_scheme://$http_host/api/kernels/;
    	access_log  off;
    location /api/kernels/ {
      index access.cgi;
      fastcgi_index access.cgi;
      gzip  off;
      access_log	off;

    The returned JSON payload should be:

    {"id":"rstudio","name":"rstudio","last_activity":(time in ISO8601 format),"execution_state":"busy","connections": 1}

Enabling CodeReady Builder (CRB) and Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)

CRB and EPEL are repositories that provide packages which are absent from a standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or Universal Base Image (UBI) installation. They are useful and required for installing some software, for example, RStudio.

On UBI9 images, CRB is enabled by default. To enable EPEL on UBI9-based images, run the following command:

 RUN yum install -y

To enable CRB and EPEL on Centos Stream 9-based images, run the following command:

 RUN yum install -y yum-utils && \
    yum-config-manager --enable crb && \
    yum install -y

Adding Elyra compatibility

Support for data science pipelines V2 (provided with the odh-elyra package) is available in Open Data Hub version 2.9 and later. Previous versions of Open Data Hub support data science pipelines V1 (provided with the elyra package).

If you want your custom image to support data science pipelines V2, you must address the following requirements:

  • Include the odh-elyra package for having support with Data Science pipeline V2 (not the elyra package), for example:

     USER 1001
     RUN pip install odh-elyra
  • If you want to include the data science pipeline configuration automatically, as a runtime configuration, add an annotation when you import a custom workbench image.

Enabling custom images in Open Data Hub

All Open Data Hub administrators can import custom workbench images, by default, by selecting the SettingsNotebook images navigation option in the Open Data Hub dashboard.

If the SettingsNotebook images option is not available, check the following settings, depending on which navigation element does not appear in the dashboard:

  • The Settings menu does not appear in the Open Data Hub navigation bar

    The visibility of the Open Data Hub dashboard Settings menu is determined by your user permissions. By default, the Settings menu is available to Open Data Hub administration users (users that are members of the rhoai-admins group). Users with the OpenShift cluster-admin role are automatically added to the rhoai-admins group and are granted administrator access in Open Data Hub.

    For more information about user permissions, see Managing users and groups.

  • The Notebook images menu option does not appear under the Settings menu

    The visibility of the Notebook images menu option is controlled in the dashboard configuration, by the value of the dashboardConfig: disableBYONImageStream option. It is set to false (the Notebook images menu option is visible) by default.

    You need cluster-admin permissions to edit the dashboard configuration.

    For more information about setting dashboard configuration options, see Customizing the dashboard.

Importing a custom workbench image

You can import custom workbench images that cater to your Open Data Hub project’s specific requirements. From the Notebook images page, you can enable or disable a previously imported workbench image and create an accelerator profile as a recommended accelerator for existing notebook images.

You must import it so that your Open Data Hub users (data scientists) can access it when they create a project workbench.

  • You have logged in to Open Data Hub as a user with Open Data Hub administrator privileges.

  • Your custom image exists in an image registry that is accessible to Open Data Hub.

  • The SettingsNotebook images dashboard navigation menu option is enabled, as described in Creating a custom image from a default Open Data Hub image.

  • If you want to associate an accelerator with the custom image that you want to import, you know the accelerator’s identifier - the unique string that identifies the hardware accelerator. You must also have enabled GPU support. This includes installing the Node Feature Discovery and NVIDIA GPU Operators. For more information, see NVIDIA GPU Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in the NVIDIA documentation.

  1. From the Open Data Hub dashboard, click SettingsNotebook images.

    The Notebook images page appears. Previously imported images are displayed. To enable or disable a previously imported image, on the row containing the relevant image, click the toggle in the Enable column.

  2. Optional: If you want to associate an accelerator and you have not already created an accelerator profile, click Create profile on the row containing the image and complete the relevant fields. If the image does not contain an accelerator identifier, you must manually configure one before creating an associated accelerator profile.

  3. Click Import new image. Alternatively, if no previously imported images were found, click Import image.

    The Import Notebook images dialog appears.

  4. In the Image location field, enter the URL of the repository containing the image. For example:,, or

  5. In the Name field, enter an appropriate name for the image.

  6. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the image.

  7. Optional: From the Accelerator identifier list, select an identifier to set its accelerator as recommended with the image. If the image contains only one accelerator identifier, the identifier name displays by default.

  8. Optional: Add software to the image. After the import has completed, the software is added to the image’s meta-data and displayed on the Jupyter server creation page.

    1. Click the Software tab.

    2. Click the Add software button.

    3. Click Edit (The Edit icon).

    4. Enter the Software name.

    5. Enter the software Version.

    6. Click Confirm (The Confirm icon) to confirm your entry.

    7. To add additional software, click Add software, complete the relevant fields, and confirm your entry.

  9. Optional: Add packages to the notebook images. After the import has completed, the packages are added to the image’s meta-data and displayed on the Jupyter server creation page.

    1. Click the Packages tab.

    2. Click the Add package button.

    3. Click Edit (The Edit icon).

    4. Enter the Package name. For example, if you want to include data science pipeline V2 automatically, as a runtime configuration, type odh-elyra.

    5. Enter the package Version. For example, type 3.16.7.

    6. Click Confirm (The Confirm icon) to confirm your entry.

    7. To add an additional package, click Add package, complete the relevant fields, and confirm your entry.

  10. Click Import.

  • The image that you imported is displayed in the table on the Notebook images page.

  • Your custom image is available for selection when a user creates a workbench.

Customizing the dashboard

The Open Data Hub dashboard provides features that are designed to work for most scenarios. These features are configured in the OdhDashboardConfig custom resource (CR) file.

To see a description of the options in the Open Data Hub dashboard configuration file, see Dashboard configuration options.

As an administrator, you can customize the interface of the dashboard, for example to show or hide some of the dashboard navigation menu options. To change the default settings of the dashboard, edit the OdhDashboardConfig custom resource (CR) file as described in Editing the dashboard configuration file.

Editing the dashboard configuration file

As an administrator, you can customize the interface of the dashboard by editing the dashboard configuration file.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. In the Administrator perspective, click HomeAPI Explorer.

  3. In the search bar, enter OdhDashboardConfig to filter by kind.

  4. Click the OdhDashboardConfig custom resource (CR) to open the resource details page.

  5. Select the redhat-ods-applications project from the Project list.

  6. Click the Instances tab.

  7. Click the odh-dashboard-config instance to open the details page.

  8. Click the YAML tab.

  9. Edit the values of the options that you want to change.

  10. Click Save to apply your changes and then click Reload to synchronize your changes to the cluster.


Log in to Open Data Hub and verify that your dashboard configurations apply.

Dashboard configuration options

The Open Data Hub dashboard includes a set of core features enabled by default that are designed to work for most scenarios. Administrators can configure the Open Data Hub dashboard from the OdhDashboardConfig custom resource (CR) in OpenShift Container Platform.

Table 2. Dashboard feature configuration options




dashboardConfig: disableAcceleratorProfiles


Shows the Settings → Accelerator profiles option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableBYONImageStream


Shows the Settings → Notebook images option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableClusterManager


Shows the Settings → Cluster settings option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableCustomServingRuntimes


Shows the Settings → Serving runtimes option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableDistributedWorkloads


Shows the Distributed Workload Metrics option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableHome


Shows the Home option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableInfo


On the Applications → Explore page, when a user clicks on an application tile, an information panel opens with more details about the application. To disable the information panel for all applications on the Applications → Explore page , set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableISVBadges


Shows the label on a tile that indicates whether the application is “Red Hat managed”, “Partner managed”, or “Self-managed”. To hide these labels, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableKServe


Enables the ability to select KServe as a model-serving platform. To disable this ability, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableKServeAuth


Enables the ability to use authentication with KServe. To disable this ability, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableKServeMetrics


Enables the ability to view KServe metrics. To disable this ability, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableModelMesh


Enables the ability to select ModelMesh as a model-serving platform. To disable this ability, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableModelRegistry


Shows the Model Registry option and the Settings → Model registry settings option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide these menu options, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableModelRegistrySecureDB


Shows the Add CA certificate to secure database connection section in the Create model registry dialog and the Edit model registry dialog. To hide this section, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableModelServing


Shows the Model Serving option in the dashboard navigation menu and in the list of components for the data science projects. To hide Model Serving from the dashboard navigation menu and from the list of components for data science projects, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableNIMModelServing


Enables the ability to select NVIDIA NIM as a model-serving platform. To disable this ability, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disablePerformanceMetrics


Shows the Endpoint Performance tab on the Model Serving page. To hide this tab, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disablePipelines


Shows the Data Science Pipelines option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableProjects


Shows the Data Science Projects option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableProjectSharing


Allows users to share access to their data science projects with other users. To prevent users from sharing data science projects, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableServingRuntimeParams


Shows the Configuration parameters section in the Deploy model dialog and the Edit model dialog when using the single-model serving platform. To hide this section, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableStorageClasses


Shows the Settings → Storage classes option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableSupport


Shows the Support menu option when a user clicks the Help icon in the dashboard toolbar. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableTracking


Disables the collection of data about Open Data Hub usage in your cluster. To enable data collection, set the value to false. You can also set this option in the Open Data Hub dashboard interface from the Settings → Cluster settings navigation menu.

dashboardConfig: disableTrustyBiasMetrics


Shows the Model Bias tab on the Model Serving page. To hide this tab, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: disableUserManagement


Shows the Settings → User management option in the dashboard navigation menu. To hide this menu option, set the value to true.

dashboardConfig: enablement


Enables Open Data Hub administrators to add applications to the Open Data Hub dashboard Applications → Enabled page. To disable this ability, set the value to false.

notebookController: enabled


Controls the Notebook Controller options, such as whether it is enabled in the dashboard and which parts are visible.


Allows you to customize names and resources for notebooks. The Kubernetes-style sizes are shown in the drop-down menu that appears when launching a workbench with the Notebook Controller. Note: These sizes must follow conventions. For example, requests must be smaller than limits.


Allows you to customize names and resources for model servers.


Read-only. To configure access to the Open Data Hub dashboard, use the spec.adminGroups and spec.allowedGroups options in the OpenShift Container Platform Auth resource in the API group.


Specifies the order of custom Serving Runtime templates. When the user creates a new template, it is added to this list.

Managing applications that show in the dashboard

Adding an application to the dashboard

If you have installed an application in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you can add a tile for that application to the Open Data Hub dashboard (the ApplicationsEnabled page) to make it accessible for Open Data Hub users.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • The dashboard configuration enablement option is set to true (the default). Note that a cluster administrator can disable this ability as described in Preventing users from adding applications to the dashboard.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. In the Administrator perspective, click HomeAPI Explorer.

  3. On the API Explorer page, search for the OdhApplication kind.

  4. Click the OdhApplication kind to open the resource details page.

  5. On the OdhApplication details page, select the redhat-ods-applications project from the Project list.

  6. Click the Instances tab.

  7. Click Create OdhApplication.

  8. On the Create OdhApplication page, copy the following code and paste it into the YAML editor.

    kind: OdhApplication
      name: examplename
      namespace: redhat-ods-applications
        app: odh-dashboard odh-dashboard
        validationConfigMap: examplename-enable
      img: >-
        <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
        <path d="path data" fill="#ee0000"/>
      getStartedLink: ''
      route: exampleroutename
      routeNamespace: examplenamespace
      displayName: Example Name
      kfdefApplications: []
      support: third party support
      csvName: ''
      provider: example
      docsLink: ''
      quickStart: ''
      getStartedMarkDown: >-
        # Example
        Enter text for the information panel.
      description: >-
        Enter summary text for the tile.
      category: Self-managed | Partner managed | {org-name} managed
  9. Modify the parameters in the code for your application.

    To see example YAML files, click HomeAPI Explorer, select OdhApplication, click the Instances tab, select an instance, and then click the YAML tab.
  10. Click Create. The application details page appears.

  11. Log in to Open Data Hub.

  12. In the left menu, click ApplicationsExplore.

  13. Locate the new tile for your application and click it.

  14. In the information pane for the application, click Enable.

  • In the left menu of the Open Data Hub dashboard, click ApplicationsEnabled and verify that your application is available.

Preventing users from adding applications to the dashboard

By default, Open Data Hub administrators can add applications to the Open Data Hub dashboard Application → Enabled page.

As a cluster administrator, you can disable the ability for Open Data Hub administrators to add applications to the dashboard.

Note: The Jupyter tile is enabled by default. To disable it, see Hiding the default Jupyter application.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. Open the dashboard configuration file:

    1. In the Administrator perspective, click HomeAPI Explorer.

    2. In the search bar, enter OdhDashboardConfig to filter by kind.

    3. Click the OdhDashboardConfig custom resource (CR) to open the resource details page.

    4. Select the redhat-ods-applications project from the Project list.

    5. Click the Instances tab.

    6. Click the odh-dashboard-config instance to open the details page.

    7. Click the YAML tab.

  3. In the spec:dashboardConfig section, set the value of enablement to false to disable the ability for dashboard users to add applications to the dashboard.

  4. Click Save to apply your changes and then click Reload to make sure that your changes are synced to the cluster.

  • Open the Open Data Hub dashboard Application → Enabled page.

Disabling applications connected to Open Data Hub

You can disable applications and components so that they do not appear on the Open Data Hub dashboard when you no longer want to use them, for example, when data scientists no longer use an application or when the application license expires.

Disabling unused applications allows your data scientists to manually remove these application tiles from their Open Data Hub dashboard so that they can focus on the applications that they are most likely to use.

  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

  • You are part of the cluster-admins user group in OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have installed or configured the service on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • The application or component that you want to disable is enabled and appears on the Enabled page.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, switch to the Administrator perspective.

  2. Switch to the odh project.

  3. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators.

  4. Click on the Operator that you want to uninstall. You can enter a keyword into the Filter by name field to help you find the Operator faster.

  5. Delete any Operator resources or instances by using the tabs in the Operator interface.

    During installation, some Operators require the administrator to create resources or start process instances using tabs in the Operator interface. These must be deleted before the Operator can uninstall correctly.

  6. On the Operator Details page, click the Actions drop-down menu and select Uninstall Operator.

    An Uninstall Operator? dialog box is displayed.

  7. Select Uninstall to uninstall the Operator, Operator deployments, and pods. After this is complete, the Operator stops running and no longer receives updates.


Removing an Operator does not remove any custom resource definitions or managed resources for the Operator. Custom resource definitions and managed resources still exist and must be cleaned up manually. Any applications deployed by your Operator and any configured off-cluster resources continue to run and must be cleaned up manually.

  • The Operator is uninstalled from its target clusters.

  • The Operator no longer appears on the Installed Operators page.

  • The disabled application is no longer available for your data scientists to use, and is marked as Disabled on the Enabled page of the Open Data Hub dashboard. This action may take a few minutes to occur following the removal of the Operator.

Showing or hiding information about enabled applications

If you have installed another application in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you can add a tile for that application to the Open Data Hub dashboard (the ApplicationsEnabled page) to make it accessible for Open Data Hub users.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. In the Administrator perspective, click HomeAPI Explorer.

  3. On the API Explorer page, search for the OdhApplication kind.

  4. Click the OdhApplication kind to open the resource details page.

  5. On the OdhApplication details page, select the redhat-ods-applications project from the Project list.

  6. Click the Instances tab.

  7. Click Create OdhApplication.

  8. On the Create OdhApplication page, copy the following code and paste it into the YAML editor.

    kind: OdhApplication
      name: examplename
      namespace: redhat-ods-applications
        app: odh-dashboard odh-dashboard
        validationConfigMap: examplename-enable
      img: >-
        <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
        <path d="path data" fill="#ee0000"/>
      getStartedLink: ''
      route: exampleroutename
      routeNamespace: examplenamespace
      displayName: Example Name
      kfdefApplications: []
      support: third party support
      csvName: ''
      provider: example
      docsLink: ''
      quickStart: ''
      getStartedMarkDown: >-
        # Example
        Enter text for the information panel.
      description: >-
        Enter summary text for the tile.
      category: Self-managed | Partner managed | Red Hat managed
  9. Modify the parameters in the code for your application.

    To see example YAML files, click HomeAPI Explorer, select OdhApplication, click the Instances tab, select an instance, and then click the YAML tab.
  10. Click Create. The application details page appears.

  11. Log in to Open Data Hub.

  12. In the left menu, click ApplicationsExplore.

  13. Locate the new tile for your application and click it.

  14. In the information pane for the application, click Enable.

  • In the left menu of the Open Data Hub dashboard, click ApplicationsEnabled and verify that your application is available.

Hiding the default Jupyter application

The Open Data Hub dashboard includes Jupyter as an enabled application by default.

To hide the Jupyter tile from the list of Enabled applications, edit the dashboard configuration file.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. Open the dashboard configuration file:

    1. In the Administrator perspective, click HomeAPI Explorer.

    2. In the search bar, enter OdhDashboardConfig to filter by kind.

    3. Click the OdhDashboardConfig custom resource (CR) to open the resource details page.

    4. Select the redhat-ods-applications project from the Project list.

    5. Click the Instances tab.

    6. Click the odh-dashboard-config instance to open the details page.

    7. Click the YAML tab.

  3. In the spec:notebookController section, set the value of enabled to false to hide the Jupyter tile from the list of Enabled applications.

  4. Click Save to apply your changes and then click Reload to make sure that your changes are synced to the cluster.


In the Open Data Hub dashboard, select Applications> Enabled. You should not see the Jupyter tile.

Allocating additional resources to Open Data Hub users

As a cluster administrator, you can allocate additional resources to a cluster to support compute-intensive data science work. This support includes increasing the number of nodes in the cluster and changing the cluster’s allocated machine pool.

For more information about allocating additional resources to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, see Manually scaling a compute machine set.

Customizing component deployment resources

Overview of component resource customization

You can customize deployment resources that are related to the Open Data Hub Operator, for example, CPU and memory limits and requests. For resource customizations to persist without being overwritten by the Operator, the true annotation must not be present in the YAML file for the component deployment. This annotation is absent by default.

The following table shows the deployment names for each component in the opendatahub namespace:

Component Deployment names




  • kserve-controller-manager

  • odh-model-controller








  • notebook-controller-deployment

  • odh-notebook-controller-manager



Model serving

  • modelmesh-controller

  • odh-model-controller

Model registry


Data science pipelines


Training Operator


Customizing component resources

You can customize component deployment resources by updating the .spec.template.spec.containers.resources section of the YAML file for the component deployment.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. In the Administrator perspective, click WorkloadsDeployments.

  3. From the Project drop-down list, select opendatahub.

  4. In the Name column, click the name of the deployment for the component that you want to customize resources for.


    For more information about the deployment names for each component, see Overview of component resource customization.

  5. On the Deployment details page that appears, click the YAML tab.

  6. Find the .spec.template.spec.containers.resources section.

  7. Update the value of the resource that you want to customize. For example, to update the memory limit to 500Mi, make the following change:

            - resources:
                    cpu: '2'
                    memory: 500Mi
                    cpu: '1'
                    memory: 1Gi
  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Reload.

  • Log in to Open Data Hub and verify that your resource changes apply.

Disabling component resource customization

You can disable customization of component deployment resources, and restore default values, by adding the true annotation to the YAML file for the component deployment.


Manually removing or setting the true annotation to false after manually adding it to the YAML file for a component deployment might cause unexpected cluster issues.

To remove the annotation from a deployment, use the steps described in Re-enabling component resource customization.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. In the Administrator perspective, click WorkloadsDeployments.

  3. From the Project drop-down list, select opendatahub.

  4. In the Name column, click the name of the deployment for the component to which you want to add the annotation.


    For more information about the deployment names for each component, see Overview of component resource customization.

  5. On the Deployment details page that appears, click the YAML tab.

  6. Find the metadata.annotations: section.

  7. Add the true annotation.

      annotations: true
  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Reload.

  • The true annotation appears in the YAML file for the component deployment.

Re-enabling component resource customization

You can re-enable customization of component deployment resources after manually disabling it.


Manually removing or setting the annotation to false after adding it to the YAML file for a component deployment might cause unexpected cluster issues.

To remove the annotation from a deployment, use the following steps to delete the deployment. The controller pod for the deployment will automatically redeploy with the default settings.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform console as a cluster administrator.

  2. In the Administrator perspective, click WorkloadsDeployments.

  3. From the Project drop-down list, select opendatahub.

  4. In the Name column, click the name of the deployment for the component for which you want to remove the annotation.

  5. Click the Options menu Options menu.

  6. Click Delete Deployment.

  • The controller pod for the deployment automatically redeploys with the default settings.

Enabling accelerators

Enabling NVIDIA GPUs

Before you can use NVIDIA GPUs in Open Data Hub, you must install the NVIDIA GPU Operator.

  • You have logged in to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have the cluster-admin role in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have installed an NVIDIA GPU and confirmed that it is detected in your environment.

  1. To enable GPU support on an OpenShift cluster, follow the instructions here: NVIDIA GPU Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in the NVIDIA documentation.


    After you install the Node Feature Discovery (NFD) Operator, you must create an instance of NodeFeatureDiscovery. In addition, after you install the NVIDIA GPU Operator, you must create a ClusterPolicy and populate it with default values.

  2. Delete the migration-gpu-status ConfigMap.

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, switch to the Administrator perspective.

    2. Set the Project to All Projects or redhat-ods-applications to ensure you can see the appropriate ConfigMap.

    3. Search for the migration-gpu-status ConfigMap.

    4. Click the action menu (⋮) and select Delete ConfigMap from the list.

      The Delete ConfigMap dialog appears.

    5. Inspect the dialog and confirm that you are deleting the correct ConfigMap.

    6. Click Delete.

  3. Restart the dashboard replicaset.

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, switch to the Administrator perspective.

    2. Click WorkloadsDeployments.

    3. Set the Project to All Projects or redhat-ods-applications to ensure you can see the appropriate deployment.

    4. Search for the rhods-dashboard deployment.

    5. Click the action menu (⋮) and select Restart Rollout from the list.

    6. Wait until the Status column indicates that all pods in the rollout have fully restarted.

  • The reset migration-gpu-status instance is present on the Instances tab on the AcceleratorProfile custom resource definition (CRD) details page.

  • From the Administrator perspective, go to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page. Confirm that the following Operators appear:


    • Node Feature Discovery (NFD)

    • Kernel Module Management (KMM)

  • The GPU is correctly detected a few minutes after full installation of the Node Feature Discovery (NFD) and NVIDIA GPU Operators. The OpenShift Container Platform command line interface (CLI) displays the appropriate output for the GPU worker node. For example:

    # Expected output when the GPU is detected properly
    oc describe node <node name>
      cpu:                4
      ephemeral-storage:  313981932Ki
      hugepages-1Gi:      0
      hugepages-2Mi:      0
      memory:             16076568Ki     1
      pods:               250
      cpu:                3920m
      ephemeral-storage:  288292006229
      hugepages-1Gi:      0
      hugepages-2Mi:      0
      memory:             12828440Ki     1
      pods:               250

After installing the NVIDIA GPU Operator, create an accelerator profile as described in Working with accelerators.

Intel Gaudi AI Accelerator integration

To accelerate your high-performance deep learning models, you can integrate Intel Gaudi AI accelerators into Open Data Hub. This integration enables your data scientists to use Gaudi libraries and software associated with Intel Gaudi AI accelerators through custom-configured workbench instances.

Intel Gaudi AI accelerators offer optimized performance for deep learning workloads, with the latest Gaudi 3 devices providing significant improvements in training speed and energy efficiency. These accelerators are suitable for enterprises running machine learning and AI applications on Open Data Hub.

Before you can enable Intel Gaudi AI accelerators in Open Data Hub, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Install the latest version of the Intel Gaudi AI Accelerator Operator from OperatorHub.

  2. Create and configure a custom workbench image for Intel Gaudi AI accelerators. A prebuilt workbench image for Gaudi accelerators is not included in Open Data Hub.

  3. Manually define and configure an accelerator profile for each Intel Gaudi AI device in your environment.

Open Data Hub supports Intel Gaudi devices up to Intel Gaudi 3. The Intel Gaudi 3 accelerators, in particular, offer the following benefits:

  • Improved training throughput: Reduce the time required to train large models by using advanced tensor processing cores and increased memory bandwidth.

  • Energy efficiency: Lower power consumption while maintaining high performance, reducing operational costs for large-scale deployments.

  • Scalable architecture: Scale across multiple nodes for distributed training configurations.

Your OpenShift platform must support EC2 DL1 instances to use Intel Gaudi AI accelerators in an Amazon EC2 DL1 instance. You can use Intel Gaudi AI accelerators in workbench instances or model serving after you enable the accelerators, create a custom workbench image, and configure the accelerator profile.

To identify the Intel Gaudi AI accelerators present in your deployment, use the lspci utility. For more information, see lspci(8) - Linux man page.


The presence of Intel Gaudi AI accelerators in your deployment, as indicated by the lspci utility, does not guarantee that the devices are ready to use. You must ensure that all installation and configuration steps are completed successfully.

Enabling Intel Gaudi AI accelerators

Before you can use Intel Gaudi AI accelerators in Open Data Hub, you must install the required dependencies, deploy the Intel Gaudi AI Accelerator Operator, and configure the environment.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have the cluster-admin role in OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have installed your Intel Gaudi accelerator and confirmed that it is detected in your environment.

  • Your OpenShift environment supports EC2 DL1 instances if you are running on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  • You have installed the OpenShift command-line interface (CLI).

  1. Install the latest version of the Intel Gaudi AI Accelerator Operator, as described in Intel Gaudi AI Operator OpenShift installation.

  2. By default, OpenShift Container Platform sets a per-pod PID limit of 4096. If your workload requires more processing power, such as when you use multiple Gaudi accelerators or when using vLLM with Ray, you must manually increase the per-pod PID limit to avoid Resource temporarily unavailable errors. These errors occur due to PID exhaustion. Red Hat recommends setting this limit to 32768, although values over 20000 are sufficient.

    1. Run the following command to label the node:

      oc label node <node_name> custom-kubelet=set-pod-pid-limit-kubelet
    2. Optional: To prevent workload distribution on the affected node, you can mark the node as unschedulable and then drain it in preparation for maintenance. For more information, see Understanding how to evacuate pods on nodes.

    3. Create a custom-kubelet-pidslimit.yaml KubeletConfig resource file:

      oc create -f custom-kubelet-pidslimit.yaml
    4. Populate the file with the following YAML code. Set the PodPidsLimit value to 32768:

      kind: KubeletConfig
        name: custom-kubelet-pidslimit
          PodPidsLimit: 32768
            custom-kubelet: set-pod-pid-limit-kubelet
    5. Apply the configuration:

      oc apply -f custom-kubelet-pidslimit.yaml

      This operation causes the node to reboot. For more information, see Understanding node rebooting.

    6. Optional: If you previously marked the node as unschedulable, you can allow scheduling again after the node reboots.

  3. Create a custom workbench image for Intel Gaudi AI accelerators, as described in Creating custom workbench images.

  4. After installing the Intel Gaudi AI Accelerator Operator, create an accelerator profile, as described in Working with accelerator profiles.


From the Administrator perspective, go to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page. Confirm that the following Operators appear:

  • Intel Gaudi AI Accelerator

  • Node Feature Discovery (NFD)

  • Kernel Module Management (KMM)

AMD GPU Integration

You can use AMD GPUs with Open Data Hub to accelerate AI and machine learning (ML) workloads. AMD GPUs provide high-performance compute capabilities, allowing users to process large data sets, train deep neural networks, and perform complex inference tasks more efficiently.

Integrating AMD GPUs with Open Data Hub involves the following components:

  • ROCm workbench images: Use the ROCm workbench images to streamline AI/ML workflows on AMD GPUs. These images include libraries and frameworks optimized with the AMD ROCm platform, enabling high-performance workloads for PyTorch and TensorFlow. The pre-configured images reduce setup time and provide an optimized environment for GPU-accelerated development and experimentation.

  • AMD GPU Operator: The AMD GPU Operator simplifies GPU integration by automating driver installation, device plugin setup, and node labeling for GPU resource management. It ensures compatibility between OpenShift and AMD hardware while enabling scaling of GPU-enabled workloads.

Verifying AMD GPU availability on your cluster

Before you proceed with the AMD GPU Operator installation process, you can verify the presence of an AMD GPU device on a node within your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can use commands such as lspci or oc to confirm hardware and resource availability.

  • You have administrative access to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster with a node equipped with an AMD GPU.

  • You have access to the OpenShift CLI (oc) and terminal access to the node.

  1. Use the OpenShift CLI to verify if GPU resources are allocatable:

    1. List all nodes in the cluster to identify the node with an AMD GPU:

      oc get nodes
    2. Note the name of the node where you expect the AMD GPU to be present.

    3. Describe the node to check its resource allocation:

      oc describe node <node_name>
    4. In the output, locate the Capacity and Allocatable sections and confirm that is listed. For example:

      Capacity:  1
      Allocatable:  1
  2. Check for the AMD GPU device using the lspci command:

    1. Log in to the node:

      oc debug node/<node_name>
      chroot /host
    2. Run the lspci command and search for the supported AMD device in your deployment. For example:

      lspci | grep -E "MI210|MI250|MI300"
    3. Verify that the output includes one of the AMD GPU models. For example:

      03:00.0 Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Instinct MI210
  3. Optional: Use the rocminfo command if the ROCm stack is installed on the node:

    1. Confirm that the ROCm tool outputs details about the AMD GPU, such as compute units, memory, and driver status.

  • The oc describe node <node_name> command lists under Capacity and Allocatable.

  • The lspci command output identifies an AMD GPU as a PCI device matching one of the specified models (for example, MI210, MI250, MI300).

  • Optional: The rocminfo tool provides detailed GPU information, confirming driver and hardware configuration.

Additional resources

Enabling AMD GPUs

Before you can use AMD GPUs in Open Data Hub, you must install the required dependencies, deploy the AMD GPU Operator, and configure the environment.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have the cluster-admin role in OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have installed your AMD GPU and confirmed that it is detected in your environment.

  • Your OpenShift Container Platform environment supports EC2 DL1 instances if you are running on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  1. Install the latest version of the AMD GPU Operator, as described in Install AMD GPU Operator on OpenShift.

  2. After installing the AMD GPU Operator, configure the AMD drivers required by the Operator as described in the documentation: Configure AMD drivers for the GPU Operator.


Alternatively, you can install the AMD GPU Operator from the Red Hat Catalog. For more information, see Install AMD GPU Operator from Red Hat Catalog.

  1. After installing the AMD GPU Operator, create an accelerator profile, as described in Working with accelerator profiles.


From the Administrator perspective, go to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page. Confirm that the following Operators appear:

  • AMD GPU Operator

  • Node Feature Discovery (NFD)

  • Kernel Module Management (KMM)


Ensure that you follow all the steps for proper driver installation and configuration. Incorrect installation or configuration may prevent the AMD GPUs from being recognized or functioning properly.

Managing distributed workloads

In Open Data Hub, cluster administrators create Kueue resources to configure quota management for distributed workloads. Cluster administrators can optionally configure the CodeFlare Operator if they want to change its default behavior.

Overview of Kueue resources

Cluster administrators can configure Kueue objects (such as resource flavors, cluster queues, and local queues) to manage distributed workload resources across multiple nodes in an OpenShift cluster.

Resource flavor

The Kueue ResourceFlavor object describes the resource variations that are available in a cluster.

Resources in a cluster can be homogenous or heterogeneous:

  • Homogeneous resources are identical across the cluster: same node type, CPUs, memory, accelerators, and so on.

  • Heterogeneous resources have variations across the cluster.

If a cluster has homogeneous resources, or if it is not necessary to manage separate quotas for different flavors of a resource, a cluster administrator can create an empty ResourceFlavor object named default-flavor, without any labels or taints, as follows:

Empty Kueue resource flavor for homegeneous resources
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: default-flavor

If a cluster has heterogeneous resources, cluster administrators can define a different resource flavor for each variation in the resources available. Example variations include different CPUs, different memory, or different accelerators. If a cluster has multiple types of accelerator, cluster administrators can set up a resource flavor for each accelerator type. Cluster administrators can then associate the resource flavors with cluster nodes by using labels, taints, and tolerations, as shown in the following example.

Example Kueue resource flavor for heterogeneous resources
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: "spot"
    instance-type: spot
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: spot
    value: "true"
  - key: "spot-taint"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"

Make sure that each resource flavor has the correct label selectors and taint tolerations so that workloads run on the expected nodes.

See the example configurations provided in Example Kueue resource configurations.

For more information about configuring resource flavors, see Resource Flavor in the Kueue documentation.

Cluster queue

The Kueue ClusterQueue object manages a pool of cluster resources such as pods, CPUs, memory, and accelerators. A cluster can have multiple cluster queues, and each cluster queue can reference multiple resource flavors.

Cluster administrators can configure a cluster queue to define the resource flavors that the queue manages, and assign a quota for each resource in each resource flavor.

The following example configures a cluster queue to assign a quota of 9 CPUs, 36 GiB memory, 5 pods, and 5 NVIDIA GPUs.

Example cluster queue
kind: ClusterQueue
  name: "cluster-queue"
  namespaceSelector: {} # match all.
  - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", "pods", ""]
    - name: "default-flavor"
      - name: "cpu"
        nominalQuota: 9
      - name: "memory"
        nominalQuota: 36Gi
      - name: "pods"
        nominalQuota: 5
      - name: ""
        nominalQuota: '5'

A cluster administrator should notify the consumers of a cluster queue about the quota limits for that cluster queue. The cluster queue starts a distributed workload only if the total required resources are within these quota limits. If the sum of the requests for a resource in a distributed workload is greater than the specified quota for that resource in the cluster queue, the cluster queue does not admit the distributed workload.

See the example configurations provided in Example Kueue resource configurations.

For more information about configuring cluster queues, see Cluster Queue in the Kueue documentation.

Local queue

The Kueue LocalQueue object groups closely related distributed workloads in a project. Cluster administrators can configure local queues to specify the project name and the associated cluster queue. Each local queue then grants access to the resources that its specified cluster queue manages. A cluster administrator can optionally define one local queue in a project as the default local queue for that project.

When configuring a distributed workload, the user specifies the local queue name. If a cluster administrator configured a default local queue, the user can omit the local queue specification from the distributed workload code.

Kueue allocates the resources for a distributed workload from the cluster queue that is associated with the local queue, if the total requested resources are within the quota limits specified in that cluster queue.

The following example configures a local queue called team-a-queue for the team-a project, and specifies cluster-queue as the associated cluster queue.

Example local queue
kind: LocalQueue
  namespace: team-a
  name: team-a-queue
  annotations: "true"
  clusterQueue: cluster-queue

In this example, the "true" annotation defines this local queue as the default local queue for the team-a project. If a user submits a distributed workload in the team-a project and that distributed workload does not specify a local queue in the cluster configuration, Kueue automatically routes the distributed workload to the team-a-queue local queue. The distributed workload can then access the resources that the cluster-queue cluster queue manages.

For more information about configuring local queues, see Local Queue in the Kueue documentation.

Example Kueue resource configurations

These examples show how to configure Kueue resource flavors and cluster queues.

NVIDIA GPUs without shared cohort

NVIDIA RTX A400 GPU resource flavor
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: "A400-node"
    instance-type: nvidia-a400-node
  - key: "HasGPU"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
NVIDIA RTX A1000 GPU resource flavor
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: "A1000-node"
    instance-type: nvidia-a1000-node
  - key: "HasGPU"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
NVIDIA RTX A400 GPU cluster queue
kind: ClusterQueue
  name: "A400-queue"
  namespaceSelector: {} # match all.
  - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", ""]
    - name: "A400-node"
      - name: "cpu"
        nominalQuota: 16
      - name: "memory"
        nominalQuota: 64Gi
      - name: ""
        nominalQuota: 2
NVIDIA RTX A1000 GPU cluster queue
kind: ClusterQueue
  name: "A1000-queue"
  namespaceSelector: {} # match all.
  - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", ""]
    - name: "A1000-node"
      - name: "cpu"
        nominalQuota: 16
      - name: "memory"
        nominalQuota: 64Gi
      - name: ""
        nominalQuota: 2

NVIDIA GPUs and AMD GPUs without shared cohort

AMD GPU resource flavor
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: "amd-node"
    instance-type: amd-node
  - key: "HasGPU"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
NVIDIA GPU resource flavor
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: "nvidia-node"
    instance-type: nvidia-node
  - key: "HasGPU"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
AMD GPU cluster queue
kind: ClusterQueue
  name: "team-a-amd-queue"
  namespaceSelector: {} # match all.
  - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", ""]
    - name: "amd-node"
      - name: "cpu"
        nominalQuota: 16
      - name: "memory"
        nominalQuota: 64Gi
      - name: ""
NVIDIA GPU cluster queue
kind: ClusterQueue
  name: "team-a-nvidia-queue"
  namespaceSelector: {} # match all.
  - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", ""]
    - name: "nvidia-node"
      - name: "cpu"
        nominalQuota: 16
      - name: "memory"
        nominalQuota: 64Gi
      - name: ""
        nominalQuota: 2

Additional resources

Configuring quota management for distributed workloads

Configure quotas for distributed workloads on a cluster, so that you can share resources between several data science projects.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform with the cluster-admin role.

  • You have installed the required distributed workloads components as described in Installing the distributed workloads components.

  • You have created a data science project that contains a workbench, and the workbench is running a default notebook image that contains the CodeFlare SDK, for example, the Standard Data Science notebook. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have sufficient resources. In addition to the base Open Data Hub resources, you need 1.6 vCPU and 2 GiB memory to deploy the distributed workloads infrastructure.

  • The resources are physically available in the cluster. For more information about Kueue resources, see Overview of Kueue resources.

  • If you want to use graphics processing units (GPUs), you have enabled GPU support. This process includes installing the Node Feature Discovery Operator and the NVIDIA GPU and AMD GPU Operators. For more information, see NVIDIA GPU Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in the NVIDIA documentation.

  1. In a terminal window, if you are not already logged in to your OpenShift cluster as a cluster administrator, log in to the OpenShift CLI as shown in the following example:

    $ oc login <openshift_cluster_url> -u <admin_username> -p <password>
  2. Create an empty Kueue resource flavor, as follows:

    1. Create a file called default_flavor.yaml and populate it with the following content:

      Empty Kueue resource flavor
      kind: ResourceFlavor
        name: default-flavor
    2. Apply the configuration to create the default-flavor object:

      $ oc apply -f default_flavor.yaml
  3. Create a cluster queue to manage the empty Kueue resource flavor, as follows:

    1. Create a file called cluster_queue.yaml and populate it with the following content:

      Example cluster queue
      kind: ClusterQueue
        name: "cluster-queue"
        namespaceSelector: {}  # match all.
        - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", ""] # If you use AMD GPUs, substitute "" with ""
          - name: "default-flavor"
            - name: "cpu"
              nominalQuota: 9
            - name: "memory"
              nominalQuota: 36Gi
            - name: "" # If you use AMD GPUs, substitute "" with ""
              nominalQuota: 5
    2. Replace the example quota values (9 CPUs, 36 GiB memory, and 5 NVIDIA GPUs) with the appropriate values for your cluster queue. The cluster queue will start a distributed workload only if the total required resources are within these quota limits.

      You must specify a quota for each resource that the user can request, even if the requested value is 0, by updating the spec.resourceGroups section as follows:

      • Include the resource name in the coveredResources list.

      • Specify the resource name and nominalQuota in the flavors.resources section, even if the nominalQuota value is 0.

    3. Apply the configuration to create the cluster-queue object:

      $ oc apply -f cluster_queue.yaml
  4. Create a local queue that points to your cluster queue, as follows:

    1. Create a file called local_queue.yaml and populate it with the following content:

      Example local queue
      kind: LocalQueue
        namespace: test
        name: local-queue-test
        clusterQueue: cluster-queue

      The 'true' annotation defines this queue as the default queue. Distributed workloads are submitted to this queue if no local_queue value is specified in the ClusterConfiguration section of the data science pipeline or Jupyter notebook or Microsoft Visual Studio Code file.

    2. Update the namespace value to specify the same namespace as in the ClusterConfiguration section that creates the Ray cluster.

    3. Optional: Update the name value accordingly.

    4. Apply the configuration to create the local-queue object:

      $ oc apply -f local_queue.yaml

      The cluster queue allocates the resources to run distributed workloads in the local queue.


Check the status of the local queue in a project, as follows:

$ oc get -n <project-name> localqueues
Additional resources

Enforcing the use of local queues

Efficient workload orchestration in OpenShift Container Platform clusters relies on strict management of resources and queues. Cluster administrators can use the Validating Admission Policy feature to enforce the mandatory labeling of RayCluster resources with Local Queue identifiers. This labeling ensures that workloads are properly categorized and routed based on queue management policies, which prevents resource contention and enhances operational efficiency.


The Validating Admission Policy feature is available in OpenShift Container Platform v4.17 or later.

Enforcing the local-queue labeling policy for all projects

When the local-queue labeling policy is enforced, Ray clusters are created only if they are configured to use a local queue, and the Ray cluster resources are then managed by Kueue. The local-queue labeling policy is enforced for all projects by default.

If the original ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding resource is edited, you use either of the following methods to undo the edits and enforce the policy for all projects:

  • Delete the kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding resource. The resource is automatically re-created with the default values. No other action is required.

  • Edit the existing resource as described in this procedure.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, open the Administrator perspective,

  2. From the Project list, select All Projects.

  3. Click HomeSearch.

  4. In the Resources list, search for ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

  5. Click the kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding entry to open the details page.

  6. Click the YAML tab to show the binding specifications.

  7. Ensure that the following fields are set to the specified values:

    Example to enforce local-queue labeling for all projects
    kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
      name: kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding
      uid: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      resourceVersion: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      generation: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      creationTimestamp: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      labels: controller kueue
      policyName: kueue-validating-admission-policy
        namespaceSelector: {}
        objectSelector: {}
        matchPolicy: Equivalent
        - Deny
  8. If you made any changes, click Save.

  1. Create a project.

  2. Complete the following steps in the new project:

    1. Before you configure a local queue, try to create a Ray cluster.

      The Validating Admission Policy rejects the request, and the Ray cluster is not created, because no local queue is configured.

    2. Create a local queue without the default-queue annotation.

    3. Try to create a Ray cluster, and specify the local-queue name in the local_queue field.

      The Validating Admission Policy approves the request, and the Ray cluster is created.

    4. Try to create a Ray cluster without specifying a value in the local_queue field.

      The Validating Admission Policy rejects the request, and the Ray cluster is not created, because a local queue is not specified and a default local queue is not configured.

    5. Edit the local queue to add the "true" annotation, which configures that queue as the default local queue.

    6. Try to create a Ray cluster without specifying a value in the local_queue field.

      The Validating Admission Policy approves the request, and the Ray cluster is created even though a local queue is not specified, because the default local queue is used.

Disabling the local-queue labeling policy for all projects

The local-queue labeling policy is enforced for all projects by default. If the local-queue labeling policy is disabled, it is possible to create Ray clusters that do not use a local queue. However, the resources of such Ray clusters are not managed by Kueue.

You can disable the local-queue labeling policy for all projects by editing the ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding resource as described in this procedure.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, open the Administrator perspective,

  2. From the Project list, select All Projects.

  3. Click HomeSearch.

  4. In the Resources list, search for ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

  5. Click the kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding entry to open the details page.

  6. Click the YAML tab to show the binding specifications.

  7. Edit the policyName field to change the value to disabled, as shown in the following example:

    Example to disable local-queue labeling for all projects
    kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
      name: kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding
      uid: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      resourceVersion: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      generation: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      creationTimestamp: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      labels: controller kueue
      policyName: disabled
        namespaceSelector: {}
        objectSelector: {}
        matchPolicy: Equivalent
        - Deny
  8. Click Save.

  1. Create a project.

  2. Complete the following steps in the new project:

    1. Before you configure a local queue, try to create a Ray cluster.

      The Ray cluster is created, even though no local queue is configured, because the Validating Admission Policy is not enforced. However, the Ray cluster resources are not managed by Kueue.

    2. Create a local queue without the default-queue annotation.

    3. Try to create a Ray cluster, and specify the local-queue name in the local_queue field.

      The Ray cluster is created, and the Ray cluster resources are managed by Kueue.

    4. Try to create a Ray cluster without specifying a value in the local_queue field.

      The Ray cluster is created, but the Ray cluster resources are not managed by Kueue.

    5. Edit the local queue to add the "true" annotation, which configures that queue as the default local queue.

    6. Try to create a Ray cluster without specifying a value in the local_queue field.

      The Ray cluster is created, and the Ray cluster resources are managed by Kueue.

Enforcing the local-queue labeling policy for some projects only

When the local-queue labeling policy is enforced, Ray clusters are created only if they are configured to use a local queue, and the Ray cluster resources are then managed by Kueue. Disabling the policy means that it is possible to create Ray clusters that do not use a local queue, but the resources of such Ray clusters are not managed by Kueue.

The local-queue labeling policy is enforced for all projects by default. To enforce the policy for some projects only, follow these steps.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, open the Administrator perspective,

  2. From the Project list, select All Projects.

  3. Click HomeSearch.

  4. In the Resources list, search for ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

  5. Click the kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding entry to open the details page.

  6. Click the YAML tab to show the binding specifications.

  7. Edit the namespaceSelector field to delete the {} value, and add the matchLabels and kueue-managed values as shown in the following example:

    Example to enforce local-queue labeling for some projects only
    kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
      name: kueue-validating-admission-policy-binding
      uid: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      resourceVersion: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      generation: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      creationTimestamp: <Populated by the system. Read-only.>
      labels: controller kueue
      policyName: kueue-validating-admission-policy
          kueue-managed: "true"
        objectSelector: {}
        matchPolicy: Equivalent
        - Deny
  8. Click Save.

  9. Add the kueue-managed label to each project for which you want to enforce this policy, by running the following command:

    Example command to add the kueue-managed label to a project
    oc label namespace <project-name> kueue-managed=true
  1. Create two projects: Project A and Project B.

  2. Add the kueue-managed label to Project A only.

  3. In each project, try to create a Ray cluster.

Configuring the CodeFlare Operator

If you want to change the default configuration of the CodeFlare Operator for distributed workloads in Open Data Hub, you can edit the associated config map.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click WorkloadsConfigMaps.

  2. From the Project list, select odh.

  3. Search for the codeflare-operator-config config map, and click the config map name to open the ConfigMap details page.

  4. Click the YAML tab to show the config map specifications.

  5. In the data:config.yaml:kuberay section, you can edit the following entries:


    This configuration option is null (ingressDomain: "") by default. Do not change this option unless the Ingress Controller is not running on OpenShift. Open Data Hub uses this value to generate the dashboard and client routes for every Ray Cluster, as shown in the following examples:

    Example dashboard and client routes

    This configuration option is enabled (mTLSEnabled: true) by default. When this option is enabled, the Ray Cluster pods create certificates that are used for mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS), a form of mutual authentication, between Ray Cluster nodes. When this option is enabled, Ray clients cannot connect to the Ray head node unless they download the generated certificates from the ca-secret-_<cluster_name>_ secret, generate the necessary certificates for mTLS communication, and then set the required Ray environment variables. Users must then re-initialize the Ray clients to apply the changes. The CodeFlare SDK provides the following functions to simplify the authentication process for Ray clients:

    Example Ray client authentication code
    from codeflare_sdk import generate_cert
    generate_cert.generate_tls_cert(, cluster.config.namespace)
    generate_cert.export_env(, cluster.config.namespace)

    This configuration option is enabled (rayDashboardOAuthEnabled: true) by default. When this option is enabled, Open Data Hub places an OpenShift OAuth proxy in front of the Ray Cluster head node. Users must then authenticate by using their OpenShift cluster login credentials when accessing the Ray Dashboard through the browser. If users want to access the Ray Dashboard in another way (for example, by using the Ray JobSubmissionClient class), they must set an authorization header as part of their request, as shown in the following example:

    Example authorization header
    {Authorization: "Bearer <your-openshift-token>"}
  6. To save your changes, click Save.

  7. To apply your changes, delete the pod:

    1. Click WorkloadsPods.

    2. Find the codeflare-operator-manager-<pod-id> pod.

    3. Click the options menu (⋮) for that pod, and then click Delete Pod. The pod restarts with your changes applied.


Check the status of the codeflare-operator-manager pod, as follows:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click WorkloadsDeployments.

  2. Search for the codeflare-operator-manager deployment, and then click the deployment name to open the deployment details page.

  3. Click the Pods tab. When the status of the codeflare-operator-manager-<pod-id> pod is Running, the pod is ready to use. To see more information about the pod, click the pod name to open the pod details page, and then click the Logs tab.

Troubleshooting common problems with distributed workloads for administrators

If your users are experiencing errors in Open Data Hub relating to distributed workloads, read this section to understand what could be causing the problem, and how to resolve the problem.

A user’s Ray cluster is in a suspended state


The resource quota specified in the cluster queue configuration might be insufficient, or the resource flavor might not yet be created.


The user’s Ray cluster head pod or worker pods remain in a suspended state. Check the status of the Workloads resource that is created with the RayCluster resource. The status.conditions.message field provides the reason for the suspended state, as shown in the following example:

   - lastTransitionTime: '2024-05-29T13:05:09Z'
     message: 'couldn''t assign flavors to pod set small-group-jobtest12: insufficient quota for in flavor default-flavor in ClusterQueue'
  1. Check whether the resource flavor is created, as follows:

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

    2. Click Home → Search, and from the Resources list, select ResourceFlavor.

    3. If necessary, create the resource flavor.

  2. Check the cluster queue configuration in the user’s code, to ensure that the resources that they requested are within the limits defined for the project.

  3. If necessary, increase the resource quota.

For information about configuring resource flavors and quotas, see Configuring quota management for distributed workloads.

A user’s Ray cluster is in a failed state


The user might have insufficient resources.


The user’s Ray cluster head pod or worker pods are not running. When a Ray cluster is created, it initially enters a failed state. This failed state usually resolves after the reconciliation process completes and the Ray cluster pods are running.


If the failed state persists, complete the following steps:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

  2. Click Workloads → Pods.

  3. Click the user’s pod name to open the pod details page.

  4. Click the Events tab, and review the pod events to identify the cause of the problem.

  5. Check the status of the Workloads resource that is created with the RayCluster resource. The status.conditions.message field provides the reason for the failed state.

A user receives a failed to call webhook error message for the CodeFlare Operator


After the user runs the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

ApiException: (500)
Reason: Internal Server Error
HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://codeflare-operator-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"codeflare-operator-webhook-service\"","reason":"InternalError","details":{"causes":[{"message":"failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://codeflare-operator-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"codeflare-operator-webhook-service\""}]},"code":500}

The CodeFlare Operator pod might not be running.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

  2. Click Workloads → Pods.

  3. Verify that the CodeFlare Operator pod is running. If necessary, restart the CodeFlare Operator pod.

  4. Review the logs for the CodeFlare Operator pod to verify that the webhook server is serving, as shown in the following example:

    INFO	controller-runtime.webhook	  Serving webhook server	{"host": "", "port": 9443}

A user receives a failed to call webhook error message for Kueue


After the user runs the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

ApiException: (500)
Reason: Internal Server Error
HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://kueue-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"kueue-webhook-service\"","reason":"InternalError","details":{"causes":[{"message":"failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://kueue-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"kueue-webhook-service\""}]},"code":500}

The Kueue pod might not be running.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

  2. Click Workloads → Pods.

  3. Verify that the Kueue pod is running. If necessary, restart the Kueue pod.

  4. Review the logs for the Kueue pod to verify that the webhook server is serving, as shown in the following example:

    {"level":"info","ts":"2024-06-24T14:36:24.255137871Z","logger":"controller-runtime.webhook","caller":"webhook/server.go:242","msg":"Serving webhook server","host":"","port":9443}

A user’s Ray cluster does not start


After the user runs the cluster.up() command, when they run either the cluster.details() command or the cluster.status() command, the Ray cluster status remains as Starting instead of changing to Ready. No pods are created.


Check the status of the Workloads resource that is created with the RayCluster resource. The status.conditions.message field provides the reason for remaining in the Starting state. Similarly, check the status.conditions.message field for the RayCluster resource.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

  2. Click Workloads → Pods.

  3. Verify that the KubeRay pod is running. If necessary, restart the KubeRay pod.

  4. Review the logs for the KubeRay pod to identify errors.

A user receives a Default Local Queue …​ not found error message


After the user runs the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

Default Local Queue with true annotation not found please create a default Local Queue or provide the local_queue name in Cluster Configuration.

No default local queue is defined, and a local queue is not specified in the cluster configuration.

  1. Check whether a local queue exists in the user’s project, as follows:

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

    2. Click Home → Search, and from the Resources list, select LocalQueue.

    3. If no local queues are found, create a local queue.

    4. Provide the user with the details of the local queues in their project, and advise them to add a local queue to their cluster configuration.

  2. Define a default local queue.

    For information about creating a local queue and defining a default local queue, see Configuring quota management for distributed workloads.

A user receives a local_queue provided does not exist error message


After the user runs the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

local_queue provided does not exist or is not in this namespace. Please provide the correct local_queue name in Cluster Configuration.

An incorrect value is specified for the local queue in the cluster configuration, or an incorrect default local queue is defined. The specified local queue either does not exist, or exists in a different namespace.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

    1. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select LocalQueue.

    2. Resolve the problem in one of the following ways:

      • If no local queues are found, create a local queue.

      • If one or more local queues are found, provide the user with the details of the local queues in their project. Advise the user to ensure that they spelled the local queue name correctly in their cluster configuration, and that the namespace value in the cluster configuration matches their project name. If the user does not specify a namespace value in the cluster configuration, the Ray cluster is created in the current project.

    3. Define a default local queue.

      For information about creating a local queue and defining a default local queue, see Configuring quota management for distributed workloads.

A user cannot create a Ray cluster or submit jobs


After the user runs the cluster.up() command, an error similar to the following text is shown:

RuntimeError: Failed to get RayCluster CustomResourceDefinition: (403)
Reason: Forbidden
HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:regularuser-project:regularuser-workbench\" cannot list resource \"rayclusters\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"regularuser-project\"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{"group":"","kind":"rayclusters"},"code":403}

The correct OpenShift login credentials are not specified in the TokenAuthentication section of the user’s notebook code.

  1. Advise the user to identify and specify the correct OpenShift login credentials as follows:

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console header, click your username and click Copy login command.

    2. In the new tab that opens, log in as the user whose credentials you want to use.

    3. Click Display Token.

    4. From the Log in with this token section, copy the token and server values.

    5. Specify the copied token and server values in your notebook code as follows:

      auth = TokenAuthentication(
          token = "<token>",
          server = "<server>",
  2. Verify that the user has the correct permissions and is part of the rhoai-users group.

The user’s pod provisioned by Kueue is terminated before the user’s image is pulled


Kueue waits for a period of time before marking a workload as ready, to enable all of the workload pods to become provisioned and running. By default, Kueue waits for 5 minutes. If the pod image is very large and is still being pulled after the 5-minute waiting period elapses, Kueue fails the workload and terminates the related pods.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select the user’s project from the Project list.

  2. Click Workloads → Pods.

  3. Click the user’s pod name to open the pod details page.

  4. Click the Events tab, and review the pod events to check whether the image pull completed successfully.


If the pod takes more than 5 minutes to pull the image, resolve the problem in one of the following ways:

  • Add an OnFailure restart policy for resources that are managed by Kueue.

  • In the redhat-ods-applications namespace, edit the kueue-manager-config ConfigMap to set a custom timeout for the waitForPodsReady property. For more information about this configuration option, see Enabling waitForPodsReady in the Kueue documentation.

Backing up storage data

It is a best practice to back up the data on your persistent volume claims (PVCs) regularly.

Backing up your data is particularly important before you delete a user and before you uninstall Open Data Hub, as all PVCs are deleted when Open Data Hub is uninstalled.

See the documentation for your cluster platform for more information about backing up your PVCs.

Additional resources

Viewing logs and audit records

As a cluster administrator, you can use the Open Data Hub Operator logger to monitor and troubleshoot issues. You can also use OpenShift Container Platform audit records to review a history of changes made to the Open Data Hub Operator configuration.

Configuring the Open Data Hub Operator logger

You can change the log level for Open Data Hub Operator components by setting the .spec.devFlags.logmode flag for the DSC Initialization/DSCI custom resource during runtime. If you do not set a logmode value, the logger uses the INFO log level by default.

The log level that you set with .spec.devFlags.logmode applies to all components, not just those in a Managed state.

The following table shows the available log levels:

Log level Stacktrace level Verbosity Output Timestamp type

devel or development




Epoch timestamps

"" (or no logmode value set)




Human-readable timestamps

prod or production




Human-readable timestamps

Logs that are set to devel or development generate in a plain text console format. Logs that are set to prod, production, or which do not have a level set generate in a JSON format.

  • You have admin access to the DSCInitialization resources in the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You installed the OpenShift command line interface (oc) as described in Installing the OpenShift CLI.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform as a cluster administrator.

  2. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators and then click the Open Data Hub Operator.

  3. Click the DSC Initialization tab.

  4. Click the default-dsci object.

  5. Click the YAML tab.

  6. In the spec section, update the .spec.devFlags.logmode flag with the log level that you want to set.

    kind: DSCInitialization
      name: default-dsci
        logmode: development
  7. Click Save.

You can also configure the log level from the OpenShift CLI by using the following command with the logmode value set to the log level that you want.

oc patch dsci default-dsci -p '{"spec":{"devFlags":{"logmode":"development"}}}' --type=merge
  • If you set the component log level to devel or development, logs generate more frequently and include logs at WARN level and above.

  • If you set the component log level to prod or production, or do not set a log level, logs generate less frequently and include logs at ERROR level or above.

Viewing the Open Data Hub Operator log

  1. Log in to the OpenShift CLI.

  2. Run the following command:

    oc get pods -l name=opendatahub-operator -o name -n openshift-operators |  xargs -I {} oc logs -f {} -n openshift-operators

    The operator pod log opens.

Viewing audit records

Cluster administrators can use OpenShift Container Platform auditing to see changes made to the Open Data Hub Operator configuration by reviewing modifications to the DataScienceCluster (DSC) and DSCInitialization (DSCI) custom resources. Audit logging is enabled by default in standard OpenShift Container Platform cluster configurations. For more information, see Viewing audit logs in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

The following example shows how to use the OpenShift Container Platform audit logs to see the history of changes made (by users) to the DSC and DSCI custom resources.

  • You have cluster administrator privileges for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You installed the OpenShift command line interface (oc) as described in Installing the OpenShift CLI.

  1. In a terminal window, if you are not already logged in to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster as a cluster administrator, log in to the OpenShift Container Platform CLI as shown in the following example:

    $ oc login <openshift_cluster_url> -u <admin_username> -p <password>
  2. To access the full content of the changed custom resources, set the OpenShift Container Platform audit log policy to WriteRequestBodies or a more comprehensive profile. For more information, see About audit log policy profiles.

  3. Fetch the audit log files that are available for the relevant control plane nodes. For example:

    oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=kube-apiserver/ \
      | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -u \
      | while read node ; do
          oc adm node-logs $node --path=kube-apiserver/audit.log < /dev/null
        done \
      | grep opendatahub > /tmp/kube-apiserver-audit-opendatahub.log
  4. Search the files for the DSC and DSCI custom resources. For example:

    jq 'select((.objectRef.apiGroup == ""
                    or .objectRef.apiGroup == "")
                  and .user.username != "system:serviceaccount:redhat-ods-operator:redhat-ods-operator-controller-manager"
                  and .verb != "get" and .verb != "watch" and .verb != "list")' < /tmp/kube-apiserver-audit-opendatahub.log
  • The commands return relevant log entries.