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Working with distributed workloads

To train complex machine-learning models or process data more quickly, data scientists can use the distributed workloads feature to run their jobs on multiple OpenShift worker nodes in parallel. This approach significantly reduces the task completion time, and enables the use of larger datasets and more complex models.

Overview of distributed workloads

You can use the distributed workloads feature to queue, scale, and manage the resources required to run data science workloads across multiple nodes in an OpenShift cluster simultaneously. Typically, data science workloads include several types of artificial intelligence (AI) workloads, including machine learning (ML) and Python workloads.

Distributed workloads provide the following benefits:

  • You can iterate faster and experiment more frequently because of the reduced processing time.

  • You can use larger datasets, which can lead to more accurate models.

  • You can use complex models that could not be trained on a single node.

  • You can submit distributed workloads at any time, and the system then schedules the distributed workload when the required resources are available.

The distributed workloads infrastructure includes the following components:

CodeFlare Operator

Secures deployed Ray clusters and grants access to their URLs

CodeFlare SDK

Defines and controls the remote distributed compute jobs and infrastructure for any Python-based environment


The CodeFlare SDK is not installed as part of Open Data Hub, but it is contained in some of the notebook images provided by Open Data Hub.


Manages remote Ray clusters on OpenShift for running distributed compute workloads


Manages quotas and how distributed workloads consume them, and manages the queueing of distributed workloads with respect to quotas

You can run distributed workloads from data science pipelines, from Jupyter notebooks, or from Microsoft Visual Studio Code files.


Data science pipelines workloads are not managed by the distributed workloads feature, and are not included in the distributed workloads metrics.

Overview of Kueue resources

Cluster administrators can configure Kueue resource flavors, cluster queues, and local queues to manage distributed workload resources across multiple nodes in an OpenShift cluster.

Resource flavor

The Kueue ResourceFlavor object describes the resource variations that are available in a cluster.

Resources in a cluster can be homogenous or heterogeneous:

  • Homogeneous resources are identical across the cluster: same node type, CPUs, memory, accelerators, and so on.

  • Heterogeneous resources have variations across the cluster.

If a cluster has homogeneous resources, or if it is not necessary to manage separate quotas for different flavors of a resource, a cluster administrator can create an empty ResourceFlavor object named default-flavor, without any labels or taints, as follows:

Empty Kueue resource flavor for homegeneous resources
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: default-flavor

If a cluster has heterogeneous resources, cluster administrators can define a different resource flavor for each variation in the resources available. Example variations include different CPUs, different memory, or different accelerators. Cluster administrators can then associate the resource flavors with cluster nodes by using labels, taints, and tolerations, as shown in the following example.

Example Kueue resource flavor for heterogeneous resources
kind: ResourceFlavor
  name: "spot"
    instance-type: spot
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: spot
    value: "true"
  - key: "spot-taint"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"

For more information about configuring resource flavors, see Resource Flavor in the Kueue documentation.

Cluster queue

The Kueue ClusterQueue object manages a pool of cluster resources such as pods, CPUs, memory, and accelerators. A cluster can have multiple cluster queues, and each cluster queue can reference multiple resource flavors.

Cluster administrators can configure cluster queues to define the resource flavors that the queue manages, and assign a quota for each resource in each resource flavor. Cluster administrators can also configure usage limits and queueing strategies to apply fair sharing rules across multiple cluster queues in a cluster.

The following example configures a cluster queue to assign a quota of 9 CPUs, 36 GiB memory, 5 pods, and 5 NVIDIA GPUs.

Example cluster queue
kind: ClusterQueue
  name: "cluster-queue"
  namespaceSelector: {} # match all.
  - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", "pods", ""]
    - name: "default-flavor"
      - name: "cpu"
        nominalQuota: 9
      - name: "memory"
        nominalQuota: 36Gi
      - name: "pods"
        nominalQuota: 5
      - name: ""
        nominalQuota: '5'

The cluster queue starts a distributed workload only if the total required resources are within these quota limits. If the sum of the requests for a resource in a distributed workload is greater than the specified quota for that resource in the cluster queue, the cluster queue does not admit the distributed workload.

For more information about configuring cluster queues, see Cluster Queue in the Kueue documentation.

Local queue

The Kueue LocalQueue object groups closely related distributed workloads in a project. Cluster administrators can configure local queues to specify the project name and the associated cluster queue. Each local queue then grants access to the resources that its specified cluster queue manages. A cluster administrator can optionally define one local queue in a project as the default local queue for that project.

When configuring a distributed workload, the user specifies the local queue name. If a cluster administrator configured a default local queue, the user can omit the local queue specification from the distributed workload code.

Kueue allocates the resources for a distributed workload from the cluster queue that is associated with the local queue, if the total requested resources are within the quota limits specified in that cluster queue.

The following example configures a local queue called team-a-queue for the team-a project, and specifies cluster-queue as the associated cluster queue.

Example local queue
kind: LocalQueue
  namespace: team-a
  name: team-a-queue
  annotations: "true"
  clusterQueue: cluster-queue

In this example, the "true" annotation defines this local queue as the default local queue for the team-a project. If a user submits a distributed workload in the team-a project and that distributed workload does not specify a local queue in the cluster configuration, Kueue automatically routes the distributed workload to the team-a-queue local queue. The distributed workload can then access the resources that the cluster-queue cluster queue manages.

For more information about configuring local queues, see Local Queue in the Kueue documentation.

Configuring distributed workloads

To configure the distributed workloads feature for your data scientists to use in Open Data Hub, you must enable several components in the Open Data Hub Operator, create the required Kueue resources, and optionally configure the CodeFlare Operator.

Configuring the distributed workloads components

To configure the distributed workloads feature for your data scientists to use in Open Data Hub, you must enable several components.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform with the cluster-admin role.

  • You have access to the data science cluster.

  • You have installed Open Data Hub.

  • You have sufficient resources. In addition to the minimum Open Data Hub resources described in Installing the Open Data Hub Operator version 2, you need 1.6 vCPU and 2 GiB memory to deploy the distributed workloads infrastructure.

  • You have access to a Ray cluster image. For information about how to create a Ray cluster, see the Ray Clusters documentation.


    Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) is enabled by default in the CodeFlare component in Open Data Hub. Open Data Hub 2 does not support the submissionMode=K8sJobMode setting in the Ray job specification, so the KubeRay Operator cannot create a submitter Kubernetes Job to submit the Ray job. Instead, users must configure the Ray job specification to set submissionMode=HTTPMode only, so that the KubeRay Operator sends a request to the RayCluster to create a Ray job.

  • You have access to the data sets and models that the distributed workload uses.

  • You have access to the Python dependencies for the distributed workload.

  • You have removed any previously installed instances of the CodeFlare Operator.

  • If you want to use graphics processing units (GPUs), you have enabled GPU support. This process includes installing the Node Feature Discovery Operator and the NVIDIA GPU Operator. For more information, see NVIDIA GPU Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in the NVIDIA documentation.

  • If you want to use self-signed certificates, you have added them to a central Certificate Authority (CA) bundle as described in Understanding certificates in Open Data Hub. No additional configuration is necessary to use those certificates with distributed workloads. The centrally configured self-signed certificates are automatically available in the workload pods at the following mount points:

    • Cluster-wide CA bundle:

    • Custom CA bundle:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.

  2. Search for the Open Data Hub Operator, and then click the Operator name to open the Operator details page.

  3. Click the Data Science Cluster tab.

  4. Click the default instance name (for example, default-dsc) to open the instance details page.

  5. Click the YAML tab to show the instance specifications.

  6. Enable the required distributed workloads components. In the spec:components section, set the managementState field correctly for the required components. The trainingoperator component is required only if you want to use the Kubeflow Training Operator to tune models. The list of required components depends on whether the distributed workload is run from a pipeline or notebook or both, as shown in the following table.

    Table 1. Components required for distributed workloads
    Component Pipelines only Notebooks only Pipelines and notebooks





























  7. Click Save. After a short time, the components with a Managed state are ready.


Check the status of the codeflare-operator-manager, kuberay-operator, and kueue-controller-manager pods, as follows:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, from the Project list, select odh.

  2. Click WorkloadsDeployments.

  3. Search for the codeflare-operator-manager, kuberay-operator, and kueue-controller-manager deployments. In each case, check the status as follows:

    1. Click the deployment name to open the deployment details page.

    2. Click the Pods tab.

    3. Check the pod status.

      When the status of the codeflare-operator-manager-<pod-id>, kuberay-operator-<pod-id>, and kueue-controller-manager-<pod-id> pods is Running, the pods are ready to use.

    4. To see more information about each pod, click the pod name to open the pod details page, and then click the Logs tab.

Configuring quota management for distributed workloads

Configure quotas for distributed workloads on a cluster, so that you can share resources between several data science projects.

  • You have enabled the required distributed workloads components as described in Configuring the distributed workloads components.

  • You have created a data science project that contains a workbench, and the workbench is running a default notebook image that contains the CodeFlare SDK, for example, the Standard Data Science notebook. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have sufficient resources. In addition to the base Open Data Hub resources, you need 1.6 vCPU and 2 GiB memory to deploy the distributed workloads infrastructure.

  • The resources are physically available in the cluster.


    For more information about Kueue resources, see Overview of Kueue resources.

  • If you want to use graphics processing units (GPUs), you have enabled GPU support. This process includes installing the Node Feature Discovery Operator and the NVIDIA GPU Operator. For more information, see NVIDIA GPU Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in the NVIDIA documentation.

  1. In a terminal window, if you are not already logged in to your OpenShift cluster as a cluster administrator, log in to the OpenShift CLI as shown in the following example:

    $ oc login <openshift_cluster_url> -u <admin_username> -p <password>
  2. Create an empty Kueue resource flavor, as follows:

    1. Create a file called default_flavor.yaml and populate it with the following content:

      Empty Kueue resource flavor
      kind: ResourceFlavor
        name: default-flavor
    2. Apply the configuration to create the default-flavor object:

      $ oc apply -f default_flavor.yaml
  3. Create a cluster queue to manage the empty Kueue resource flavor, as follows:

    1. Create a file called cluster_queue.yaml and populate it with the following content:

      Example cluster queue
      kind: ClusterQueue
        name: "cluster-queue"
        namespaceSelector: {}  # match all.
        - coveredResources: ["cpu", "memory", ""]
          - name: "default-flavor"
            - name: "cpu"
              nominalQuota: 9
            - name: "memory"
              nominalQuota: 36Gi
            - name: ""
              nominalQuota: 5
    2. Replace the example quota values (9 CPUs, 36 GiB memory, and 5 NVIDIA GPUs) with the appropriate values for your cluster queue. The cluster queue will start a distributed workload only if the total required resources are within these quota limits.

      You must specify a quota for each resource that the user can request, even if the requested value is 0, by updating the spec.resourceGroups section as follows:

      • Include the resource name in the coveredResources list.

      • Specify the resource name and nominalQuota in the flavors.resources section, even if the nominalQuota value is 0.

    3. Apply the configuration to create the cluster-queue object:

      $ oc apply -f cluster_queue.yaml
  4. Create a local queue that points to your cluster queue, as follows:

    1. Create a file called local_queue.yaml and populate it with the following content:

      Example local queue
      kind: LocalQueue
        namespace: test
        name: local-queue-test
        clusterQueue: cluster-queue

      The 'true' annotation defines this queue as the default queue. Distributed workloads are submitted to this queue if no local_queue value is specified in the ClusterConfiguration section of the data science pipeline or Jupyter notebook or Microsoft Visual Studio Code file.

    2. Update the namespace value to specify the same namespace as in the ClusterConfiguration section that creates the Ray cluster.

    3. Optional: Update the name value accordingly.

    4. Apply the configuration to create the local-queue object:

      $ oc apply -f local_queue.yaml

      The cluster queue allocates the resources to run distributed workloads in the local queue.


Check the status of the local queue in a project, as follows:

$ oc get -n <project-name> localqueues
Additional resources

Configuring the CodeFlare Operator

If you want to change the default configuration of the CodeFlare Operator for distributed workloads in Open Data Hub, you can edit the associated config map.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click WorkloadsConfigMaps.

  2. From the Project list, select odh.

  3. Search for the codeflare-operator-config config map, and click the config map name to open the ConfigMap details page.

  4. Click the YAML tab to show the config map specifications.

  5. In the data:config.yaml:kuberay section, you can edit the following entries:


    This configuration option is null (ingressDomain: "") by default. Do not change this option unless the Ingress Controller is not running on OpenShift. Open Data Hub uses this value to generate the dashboard and client routes for every Ray Cluster, as shown in the following examples:

    Example dashboard and client routes

    This configuration option is enabled (mTLSEnabled: true) by default. When this option is enabled, the Ray Cluster pods create certificates that are used for mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS), a form of mutual authentication, between Ray Cluster nodes. When this option is enabled, Ray clients cannot connect to the Ray head node unless they download the generated certificates from the ca-secret-_<cluster_name>_ secret, generate the necessary certificates for mTLS communication, and then set the required Ray environment variables. Users must then re-initialize the Ray clients to apply the changes. The CodeFlare SDK provides the following functions to simplify the authentication process for Ray clients:

    Example Ray client authentication code
    from codeflare_sdk import generate_cert
    generate_cert.generate_tls_cert(, cluster.config.namespace)
    generate_cert.export_env(, cluster.config.namespace)

    This configuration option is enabled (rayDashboardOAuthEnabled: true) by default. When this option is enabled, Open Data Hub places an OpenShift OAuth proxy in front of the Ray Cluster head node. Users must then authenticate by using their OpenShift cluster login credentials when accessing the Ray Dashboard through the browser. If users want to access the Ray Dashboard in another way (for example, by using the Ray JobSubmissionClient class), they must set an authorization header as part of their request, as shown in the following example:

    Example authorization header
    {Authorization: "Bearer <your-openshift-token>"}
  6. To save your changes, click Save.

  7. To apply your changes, delete the pod:

    1. Click WorkloadsPods.

    2. Find the codeflare-operator-manager-<pod-id> pod.

    3. Click the options menu (⋮) for that pod, and then click Delete Pod. The pod restarts with your changes applied.


Check the status of the codeflare-operator-manager pod, as follows:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click WorkloadsDeployments.

  2. Search for the codeflare-operator-manager deployment, and then click the deployment name to open the deployment details page.

  3. Click the Pods tab. When the status of the codeflare-operator-manager-<pod-id> pod is Running, the pod is ready to use. To see more information about the pod, click the pod name to open the pod details page, and then click the Logs tab.

Running distributed workloads

In Open Data Hub, you can run a distributed workload from a notebook or from a pipeline. You can also run distributed workloads in a disconnected environment if you have access to all of the required software.

Running distributed data science workloads from notebooks

To run a distributed data science workload from a notebook, you must first provide the link to your Ray cluster image.

  • You have access to a data science cluster that is configured to run distributed workloads as described in Configuring distributed workloads.

  • Your cluster administrator has created the required Kueue resources as described in Configuring quota management for distributed workloads.

  • Optional: Your cluster administrator has defined a default local queue for the Ray cluster by creating a LocalQueue resource and adding the following annotation to its configuration details, as described in Configuring quota management for distributed workloads:

    "": "true"

    If your cluster administrator does not define a default local queue, you must specify a local queue in each notebook.

  • You have created a data science project that contains a workbench, and the workbench is running a default notebook image that contains the CodeFlare SDK, for example, the Standard Data Science notebook. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have Admin access for the data science project.

    • If you created the project, you automatically have Admin access.

    • If you did not create the project, your cluster administrator must give you Admin access.

  • You have launched your notebook server and logged in to your notebook editor. The examples in this procedure refer to the JupyterLab integrated development environment (IDE).

  1. Download the demo notebooks provided by the CodeFlare SDK. The demo notebooks provide guidelines for how to use the CodeFlare stack in your own notebooks.

    To access the demo notebooks, run the codeflare_sdk.copy_demo_nbs() function in a Jupyter notebook. The function copies the demo notebooks that are packaged with the currently installed version of the CodeFlare SDK, and clones them into the target location.

    The codeflare_sdk.copy_demo_nbs() function accepts two arguments:

    • dir: str = "./demo-notebooks" specifies the target location for the cloned demo notebooks. If the leading character is a forward slash (/), the path is absolute. Otherwise, the path is relative to the current directory. The default value is "./demo-notebooks".

    • overwrite: bool = False specifies whether the function should overwrite the contents of an existing directory. When this argument is set to True, the function overwrites your customizations in the original demo files. The default value is False.


    codeflare_sdk.copy_demo_nbs("my-dir", True)
    codeflare_sdk.copy_demo_nbs(dir="my-dir", overwrite=True)
  2. Locate the downloaded demo notebooks in the JupyterLab interface. In the left navigation pane, double-click guided-demos.

  3. Update each example demo notebook as follows:

    1. If not already specified, update the import section to import the generate_cert component:

      Updated import section
      from codeflare_sdk import generate_cert
    2. Replace the default namespace value with the name of your data science project.

    3. In the TokenAuthentication section of your notebook code, provide the token and server details to authenticate to the OpenShift cluster by using the CodeFlare SDK.

    4. Replace the link to the example community image with a link to your Ray cluster image.

    5. Ensure that the following Ray cluster authentication code is included after the Ray cluster creation section.

      Ray cluster authentication code
      generate_cert.generate_tls_cert(, cluster.config.namespace)
      generate_cert.export_env(, cluster.config.namespace)

      Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) is enabled by default in the CodeFlare component in Open Data Hub. You must include the Ray cluster authentication code to enable the Ray client that runs within a notebook to connect to a secure Ray cluster that has mTLS enabled.

    6. If you have not configured a default local queue by including the 'true' annotation as described in Configuring quota management for distributed workloads, update the ClusterConfiguration section to specify the local queue for the Ray cluster, as shown in the following example:

      Example local queue assignment
    7. Optional: In the ClusterConfiguration section, assign a dictionary of labels parameters to the Ray cluster for identification and management purposes, as shown in the following example:

      Example labels assignment
      labels = {"exampleLabel1": "exampleLabel1Value", "exampleLabel2": "exampleLabel2Value"}
  4. Run the notebooks.


The notebooks run to completion without errors. In the notebooks, the output from the cluster.status() function or cluster.details() function indicates that the Ray cluster is Active.

Running distributed data science workloads from data science pipelines

To run a distributed data science workload from a data science pipeline, you must first update the pipeline to include a link to your Ray cluster image.

  • You have access to a data science cluster that is configured to run distributed workloads as described in Configuring distributed workloads.

  • Your cluster administrator has created the required Kueue resources as described in Configuring quota management for distributed workloads.

  • Optional: Your cluster administrator has defined a default local queue for the Ray cluster by creating a LocalQueue resource and adding the following annotation to the configuration details for that LocalQueue resource, as described in Configuring quota management for distributed workloads:

    "": "true"

    If your cluster administrator does not define a default local queue, you must specify a local queue in each pipeline.

  • You have access to S3-compatible object storage.

  • You have logged in to Open Data Hub.

  • You have created a data science project that contains a workbench, and the workbench is running a default notebook image that contains the CodeFlare SDK, for example, the Standard Data Science notebook. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have Admin access for the data science project.

    • If you created the project, you automatically have Admin access.

    • If you did not create the project, your cluster administrator must give you Admin access.

  1. Create a data connection to connect the object storage to your data science project, as described in Adding a data connection to your data science project.

  2. Configure a pipeline server to use the data connection, as described in Configuring a pipeline server.

  3. Create the data science pipeline as follows:

    1. Install the kfp Python package, which is required for all pipelines:

      $ pip install kfp
    2. Install any other dependencies that are required for your pipeline.

    3. Build your data science pipeline in Python code.

      For example, create a file named with the following content:

      from kfp import dsl
      def ray_fn():
         import ray (1)
         from codeflare_sdk import Cluster, ClusterConfiguration, generate_cert (2)
         cluster = Cluster( (3)
                 namespace="my_project", (4)
                 worker_extended_resource_requests={“”: 1}, (5)
                 image="", (6)
                 local_queue="local_queue_name", (7)
         cluster.up() (8)
         cluster.wait_ready() (9)
         ray_dashboard_uri = cluster.cluster_dashboard_uri()
         ray_cluster_uri = cluster.cluster_uri()
         print(ray_dashboard_uri, ray_cluster_uri)
         # Enable Ray client to connect to secure Ray cluster that has mTLS enabled
         generate_cert.generate_tls_cert(, cluster.config.namespace) (10)
         generate_cert.export_env(, cluster.config.namespace)
         print("Ray cluster is up and running: ", ray.is_initialized())
         def train_fn(): (11)
             # complex training function
             return 100
         result = ray.get(train_fn.remote())
         assert 100 == result
         cluster.down() (12)
         return result
      @dsl.pipeline( (13)
         name="Ray Simple Example",
         description="Ray Simple Example",
      def ray_integration():
      if __name__ == '__main__': (14)
          from kfp.compiler import Compiler
          Compiler().compile(ray_integration, 'compiled-example.yaml')
      1. Imports Ray.

      2. Imports packages from the CodeFlare SDK to define the cluster functions.

      3. Specifies the Ray cluster configuration: replace these example values with the values for your Ray cluster.

      4. Optional: Specifies the project where the Ray cluster is created. Replace the example value with the name of your project. If you omit this line, the Ray cluster is created in the current project.

      5. Optional: Specifies the requested accelerators for the Ray cluster (in this example, 1 NVIDIA GPU). If no accelerators are required, set the value to 0 or omit the line. Note: To specify the requested accelerators for the Ray cluster, use the worker_extended_resource_requests parameter instead of the deprecated num_gpus parameter. For more details, see the CodeFlare SDK documentation.

      6. Specifies the location of the Ray cluster image. If you are running this code in a disconnected environment, replace the default value with the location for your environment.

      7. Specifies the local queue to which the Ray cluster will be submitted. If a default local queue is configured, you can omit this line.

      8. Creates a Ray cluster by using the specified image and configuration.

      9. Waits until the Ray cluster is ready before proceeding.

      10. Enables the Ray client to connect to a secure Ray cluster that has mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) enabled. mTLS is enabled by default in the CodeFlare component in Open Data Hub.

      11. Replace the example details in this section with the details for your workload.

      12. Removes the Ray cluster when your workload is finished.

      13. Replace the example name and description with the values for your workload.

      14. Compiles the Python code and saves the output in a YAML file.

    4. Compile the Python file (in this example, the file):

      $ python

      This command creates a YAML file (in this example, compiled-example.yaml), which you can import in the next step.

  4. Import your data science pipeline, as described in Importing a data science pipeline.

  5. Schedule the pipeline run, as described in Scheduling a pipeline run.

  6. When the pipeline run is complete, confirm that it is included in the list of triggered pipeline runs, as described in Viewing the details of a pipeline run.


The YAML file is created and the pipeline run completes without errors.

You can view the run details, as described in Viewing the details of a pipeline run.

Monitoring distributed workloads

In Open Data Hub, you can view project metrics for distributed workloads, and view the status of all distributed workloads in the selected project. You can use these metrics to monitor the resources used by distributed workloads, assess whether project resources are allocated correctly, track the progress of distributed workloads, and identify corrective action when necessary.


Data science pipelines workloads are not managed by the distributed workloads feature, and are not included in the distributed workloads metrics.

Viewing project metrics for distributed workloads

In Open Data Hub, you can view the following project metrics for distributed workloads:

  • CPU - The number of CPU cores that are currently being used by all distributed workloads in the selected project.

  • Memory - The amount of memory in gibibytes (GiB) that is currently being used by all distributed workloads in the selected project.

You can use these metrics to monitor the resources used by the distributed workloads, and assess whether project resources are allocated correctly.

  • You have installed Open Data Hub.

  • On the OpenShift cluster where Open Data Hub is installed, user workload monitoring is enabled.

  • You have logged in to Open Data Hub.

  • If you are using specialized Open Data Hub groups, you are part of the user group or admin group (for example, odh-users or odh-admins) in OpenShift.

  • Your data science project contains distributed workloads.

  1. In the Open Data Hub left navigation pane, click Distributed Workloads Metrics.

  2. From the Project list, select the project that contains the distributed workloads that you want to monitor.

  3. Click the Project metrics tab.

  4. Optional: From the Refresh interval list, select a value to specify how frequently the graphs on the metrics page are refreshed to show the latest data.

    You can select one of these values: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 1 day.

  5. In the Requested resources section, review the CPU and Memory graphs to identify the resources requested by distributed workloads as follows:

    • Requested by the selected project

    • Requested by all projects, including the selected project and projects that you cannot access

    • Total shared quota for all projects, as provided by the cluster queue

    For each resource type (CPU and Memory), subtract the Requested by all projects value from the Total shared quota value to calculate how much of that resource quota has not been requested and is available for all projects.

  6. Scroll down to the Top resource-consuming distributed workloads section to review the following graphs:

    • Top 5 distributed workloads that are consuming the most CPU resources

    • Top 5 distributed workloads that are consuming the most memory

    You can also identify how much CPU or memory is used in each case.

  7. Scroll down to view the Distributed workload resource metrics table, which lists all of the distributed workloads in the selected project, and indicates the current resource usage and the status of each distributed workload.

    In each table entry, progress bars indicate how much of the requested CPU and memory is currently being used by this distributed workload. To see numeric values for the actual usage and requested usage for CPU (measured in cores) and memory (measured in GiB), hover the cursor over each progress bar. Compare the actual usage with the requested usage to assess the distributed workload configuration. If necessary, reconfigure the distributed workload to reduce or increase the requested resources.


On the Project metrics tab, the graphs and table provide resource-usage data for the distributed workloads in the selected project.

Viewing the status of distributed workloads

In Open Data Hub, you can view the status of all distributed workloads in the selected project. You can track the progress of the distributed workloads, and identify corrective action when necessary.

  • You have installed Open Data Hub.

  • On the OpenShift cluster where Open Data Hub is installed, user workload monitoring is enabled.

  • You have logged in to Open Data Hub.

  • If you are using specialized Open Data Hub groups, you are part of the user group or admin group (for example, odh-users or odh-admins) in OpenShift.

  • Your data science project contains distributed workloads.

  1. In the Open Data Hub left navigation pane, click Distributed Workloads Metrics.

  2. From the Project list, select the project that contains the distributed workloads that you want to monitor.

  3. Click the Distributed workload status tab.

  4. Optional: From the Refresh interval list, select a value to specify how frequently the graphs on the metrics page are refreshed to show the latest data.

    You can select one of these values: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 1 day.

  5. In the Status overview section, review a summary of the status of all distributed workloads in the selected project.

    The status can be Pending, Inadmissible, Admitted, Running, Evicted, Succeeded, or Failed.

  6. Scroll down to view the Distributed workloads table, which lists all of the distributed workloads in the selected project. The table provides the priority, status, creation date, and latest message for each distributed workload.

    The latest message provides more information about the current status of the distributed workload. Review the latest message to identify any corrective action needed. For example, a distributed workload might be Inadmissible because the requested resources exceed the available resources. In such cases, you can either reconfigure the distributed workload to reduce the requested resources, or reconfigure the cluster queue for the project to increase the resource quota.


On the Distributed workload status tab, the graph provides a summarized view of the status of all distributed workloads in the selected project, and the table provides more details about the status of each distributed workload.

Tuning a model by using the Training Operator

To tune a model by using the Kubeflow Training Operator, complete the following tasks:

  • Configure the Training Operator permissions (you can skip this task if you use Kueue to run PyTorch jobs)

  • Configure the training job

  • Run the training job

  • Monitor the training job

Configuring the Training Operator permissions when not using Kueue

If you want to run a PyTorch training job in an environment where Kueue is not installed, you must create a service account and apply access permissions to it.

If you use Kueue to run PyTorch jobs, you can skip this section.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform with the cluster-admin role.

  • You have access to a data science cluster that is configured to run distributed workloads as described in Configuring distributed workloads.

  • You have created a data science project. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have Admin access for the data science project.

    • If you created the project, you automatically have Admin access.

    • If you did not create the project, your cluster administrator must give you Admin access.

  • You have access to a model.

  • You have access to data that you can use to train the model.

  1. In a terminal window, if you are not already logged in to your OpenShift cluster as a cluster administrator, log in to the OpenShift CLI as shown in the following example:

    $ oc login <openshift_cluster_url> -u <admin_username> -p <password>
  2. Create a cluster role with the required access permissions, as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named pytorchjob_role.yaml.

    2. Add the following ClusterRole object definition:

      kind: ClusterRole
        name: pytorchjob-role
        - apiGroups:
            - ""
            - pytorchjobs
            - create
            - delete
            - get
            - list
            - patch
            - update
            - watch
        - apiGroups:
            - ""
            - pytorchjobs/status
            - get
    3. Save your changes in the pytorchjob_role.yaml file.

    4. Apply the configuration to create the pytorchjob-role object:

      $ oc apply -f pytorchjob_role.yaml
  3. Create a service account, as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named pytorchjob_serviceaccount.yaml.

    2. Add the following ServiceAccount object definition:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceAccount
        name: pytorchjob-sa
        namespace: kfto
    3. Replace the example namespace value kfto with the name of your project.

    4. Save your changes in the pytorchjob_serviceaccount.yaml file.

    5. Apply the configuration to create the pytorchjob-sa service account:

      $ oc apply -f pytorchjob_serviceaccount.yaml
  4. Assign the cluster role to the service account, as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named pytorchjob_rolebinding.yaml.

    2. Add the following ClusterRoleBinding object definition:

      kind: ClusterRoleBinding
        name: pytorchjob-rolebinding
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: pytorchjob-sa
        namespace: kfto
        kind: ClusterRole
        name: pytorchjob-role
    3. Replace the example namespace value kfto with the name of your project.

    4. Save your changes in the pytorchjob_rolebinding.yaml file.

    5. Apply the configuration to assign the pytorchjob-role cluster role to the pytorchjob-sa service account:

      $ oc apply -f pytorchjob_rolebinding.yaml
  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click User Management → ServiceAccounts and verify that pytorchjob-sa is listed.

  3. Click User Management → Roles and verify that pytorchjob-role is correctly created and assigned.

  4. Click User Management → RoleBindings and verify that pytorchjob-rolebinding is correctly created and assigned.

Configuring the training job

Before you can use a training job to tune a model, you must configure the training job. The example training job in this section is based on the IBM and Hugging Face tuning example provided here.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform.

  • You have access to a data science cluster that is configured to run distributed workloads as described in Configuring distributed workloads.

  • You have created a data science project. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have Admin access for the data science project.

    • If you created the project, you automatically have Admin access.

    • If you did not create the project, your cluster administrator must give you Admin access.

  • You have access to a model.

  • You have access to data that you can use to train the model.

  1. In a terminal window, if you are not already logged in to your OpenShift cluster, log in to the OpenShift CLI as shown in the following example:

    $ oc login <openshift_cluster_url> -u <username> -p <password>
  2. Configure a training job, as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named config_trainingjob.yaml.

    2. Add the following ConfigMap object definition:

      kind: ConfigMap
      apiVersion: v1
        name: my-config-trainingjob
        namespace: kfto
        config.json: |
            "model_name_or_path": "bigscience/bloom-560m",
            "training_data_path": "/data/input/twitter_complaints.json",
            "output_dir": "/data/output/tuning/bloom-twitter",
            "num_train_epochs": 10.0,
            "per_device_train_batch_size": 4,
            "gradient_accumulation_steps": 4,
            "learning_rate": 1e-05,
            "response_template": "\n### Label:",
            "dataset_text_field": "output",
            "use_flash_attn": false
    3. Replace the example namespace value kfto with the name of your project.

    4. Edit the following parameters of the training job:

      1. In the model_name_or_path field, specify the name of the pre-trained model.

      2. In the training_data_path field, specify the path to the training data that you set in the training_data.yaml ConfigMap.

      3. In the output_dir field, specify the output directory for the model.

      4. In the num_train_epochs field, specify the number of epochs for training. In this example, the training job is set to run 10 times.

      5. In the per_device_train_batch_size field, specify the batch size; that is, how many data set examples to process together. In this example, the training job processes 4 examples at a time.

      6. In the gradient_accumulation_steps field, specify the number of gradient accumulation steps.

      7. In the learning_rate field, specify the learning rate for the training.

      8. In the response_template field, specify the template formatting for the response.

      9. In the dataset_text_field field, specify the dataset field for training output. This field is set in the training_data.yaml config map.

      10. In the use_flash_attn field, specify whether to use flash attention.

    5. Save your changes in the config_trainingjob.yaml file.

    6. Apply the configuration to create the my-config-trainingjob object:

      $ oc apply -f config_trainingjob.yaml
  3. Create the training data, as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named training_data.yaml.

    2. Add the following ConfigMap object definition:

      kind: ConfigMap
      apiVersion: v1
        name: twitter-complaints
        namespace: kfto
        twitter_complaints.json: |
              {"Tweet text":"@HMRCcustomers No this is my first job","ID":0,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @HMRCcustomers No this is my first job\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"@KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.","ID":1,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"@EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.","ID":3,"Label":1,"text_label":"complaint","output":"### Text: @EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.\n\n### Label: complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome","ID":4,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"@mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp… https:\/\/\/WRtNsokblG","ID":5,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp… https:\/\/\/WRtNsokblG\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"@Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?","ID":6,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"@nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?","ID":7,"Label":1,"text_label":"complaint","output":"### Text: @nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?\n\n### Label: complaint"},
              {"Tweet text":"@JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year ��","ID":9,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year ��\n\n### Label: no complaint"}
    3. Replace the example namespace value kfto with the name of your project.

    4. Replace the example training data with your training data.

    5. Save your changes in the training_data.yaml file.

    6. Apply the configuration to create the training data:

      $ oc apply -f training_data.yaml
  4. Create a persistent volume claim (PVC), as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named trainedmodelpvc.yaml.

    2. Add the following PersistentVolumeClaim object definition:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: trained-model
        namespace: kfto
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 10Gi
    3. Replace the example namespace value kfto with the name of your project, and update the other parameters to suit your environment.

    4. Save your changes in the trainedmodelpvc.yaml file.

    5. Apply the configuration to create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for the training job:

      $ oc apply -f trainedmodelpvc.yaml
  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click ConfigMaps and verify that the my-config-trainingjob and twitter-complaints ConfigMaps are listed.

  3. Click Search. From the Resources list, select PersistentVolumeClaim and verify that the trained-model PVC is listed.

Running the training job

You can run a training job to tune a model. The example training job in this section is based on the IBM and Hugging Face tuning example provided here.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform with the cluster-admin role.

  • You have access to a data science cluster that is configured to run distributed workloads as described in Configuring distributed workloads.

  • You have created a data science project. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have Admin access for the data science project.

    • If you created the project, you automatically have Admin access.

    • If you did not create the project, your cluster administrator must give you Admin access.

  • You have access to a model.

  • You have access to data that you can use to train the model.

  • You have configured the training job as described in Configuring the training job.

  1. In a terminal window, if you are not already logged in to your OpenShift cluster as a cluster administrator, log in to the OpenShift CLI as shown in the following example:

    $ oc login <openshift_cluster_url> -u <admin_username> -p <password>
  2. Create a PyTorch training job, as follows:

    1. Create a YAML file named pytorchjob.yaml.

    2. Add the following PyTorchJob object definition:

      kind: PyTorchJob
        name: kfto-demo
        namespace: kfto
            replicas: 1
            restartPolicy: Never
                  - env:
                      - name: SFT_TRAINER_CONFIG_JSON_PATH
                        value: /etc/config/config.json
                    image: ''
                    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                    name: pytorch
                      - mountPath: /etc/config
                        name: config-volume
                      - mountPath: /data/input
                        name: dataset-volume
                      - mountPath: /data/output
                        name: model-volume
                  - configMap:
                        - key: config.json
                          path: config.json
                      name: my-config-trainingjob
                    name: config-volume
                  - configMap:
                      name: twitter-complaints
                    name: dataset-volume
                  - name: model-volume
                      claimName: trained-model
          suspend: false
    3. Replace the example namespace value kfto with the name of your project, and update the other parameters to suit your environment.

    4. Edit the parameters of the PyTorch training job, to provide the details for your training job and environment.

    5. Save your changes in the pytorchjob.yaml file.

    6. Apply the configuration to run the PyTorch training job:

      $ oc apply -f pytorchjob.yaml
  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click WorkloadsPods and verify that the <project-name>-demo-master-0 pod is listed.

Monitoring the training job

When you run a training job to tune a model, you can monitor the progress of the job. The example training job in this section is based on the IBM and Hugging Face tuning example provided here.

  • You have logged in to OpenShift Container Platform with the cluster-admin role.

  • You have access to a data science cluster that is configured to run distributed workloads as described in Configuring distributed workloads.

  • You have created a data science project. For information about how to create a project, see Creating a data science project.

  • You have Admin access for the data science project.

    • If you created the project, you automatically have Admin access.

    • If you did not create the project, your cluster administrator must give you Admin access.

  • You have access to a model.

  • You have access to data that you can use to train the model.

  • You are running the training job as described in Running the training job.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click WorkloadsPods.

  3. Search for the pod that corresponds to the PyTorch job, that is, <project-name>-demo-master-0.

    For example, if the project name is kfto, the pod name is kfto-demo-master-0.

  4. Click the pod name to open the pod details page.

  5. Click the Logs tab to monitor the progress of the job and view status updates, as shown in the following example output:

    0%| | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s] 10%|█ | 1/10 [01:10<10:32, 70.32s/it] {'loss': 6.9531, 'grad_norm': 1104.0, 'learning_rate': 9e-06, 'epoch': 1.0}
    10%|█ | 1/10 [01:10<10:32, 70.32s/it] 20%|██ | 2/10 [01:40<06:13, 46.71s/it] 30%|███ | 3/10 [02:26<05:25, 46.55s/it] {'loss': 2.4609, 'grad_norm': 736.0, 'learning_rate': 7e-06, 'epoch': 2.0}
    30%|███ | 3/10 [02:26<05:25, 46.55s/it] 40%|████ | 4/10 [03:23<05:02, 50.48s/it] 50%|█████ | 5/10 [03:41<03:13, 38.66s/it] {'loss': 1.7617, 'grad_norm': 328.0, 'learning_rate': 5e-06, 'epoch': 3.0}
    50%|█████ | 5/10 [03:41<03:13, 38.66s/it] 60%|██████ | 6/10 [04:54<03:22, 50.58s/it] {'loss': 3.1797, 'grad_norm': 1016.0, 'learning_rate': 4.000000000000001e-06, 'epoch': 4.0}
    60%|██████ | 6/10 [04:54<03:22, 50.58s/it] 70%|███████ | 7/10 [06:03<02:49, 56.59s/it] {'loss': 2.9297, 'grad_norm': 984.0, 'learning_rate': 3e-06, 'epoch': 5.0}
    70%|███████ | 7/10 [06:03<02:49, 56.59s/it] 80%|████████ | 8/10 [06:38<01:39, 49.57s/it] 90%|█████████ | 9/10 [07:22<00:48, 48.03s/it] {'loss': 1.4219, 'grad_norm': 684.0, 'learning_rate': 1.0000000000000002e-06, 'epoch': 6.0}
    90%|█████████ | 9/10 [07:22<00:48, 48.03s/it]100%|██████████| 10/10 [08:25<00:00, 52.53s/it] {'loss': 1.9609, 'grad_norm': 648.0, 'learning_rate': 0.0, 'epoch': 6.67}
    100%|██████████| 10/10 [08:25<00:00, 52.53s/it] {'train_runtime': 508.0444, 'train_samples_per_second': 0.197, 'train_steps_per_second': 0.02, 'train_loss': 2.63125, 'epoch': 6.67}
    100%|██████████| 10/10 [08:28<00:00, 52.53s/it]100%|██████████| 10/10 [08:28<00:00, 50.80s/it]

    In the example output, the solid blocks indicate progress bars.

  1. The <project-name>-demo-master-0 pod is running.

  2. The Logs tab provides information about the job progress and job status.

Troubleshooting common problems with distributed workloads for users

If you are experiencing errors in Open Data Hub relating to distributed workloads, read this section to understand what could be causing the problem, and how to resolve the problem.

My Ray cluster is in a suspended state


The resource quota specified in the cluster queue configuration might be insufficient, or the resource flavor might not yet be created.


The Ray cluster head pod or worker pods remain in a suspended state.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Check the workload resource:

    1. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select Workload.

    2. Select the workload resource that is created with the Ray cluster resource, and click the YAML tab.

    3. Check the text in the status.conditions.message field, which provides the reason for the suspended state, as shown in the following example:

         - lastTransitionTime: '2024-05-29T13:05:09Z'
           message: 'couldn''t assign flavors to pod set small-group-jobtest12: insufficient quota for in flavor default-flavor in ClusterQueue'
  3. Check the Ray cluster resource:

    1. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select RayCluster.

    2. Select the Ray cluster resource, and click the YAML tab.

    3. Check the text in the status.conditions.message field.

  4. Check the cluster queue resource:

    1. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select ClusterQueue.

    2. Check your cluster queue configuration to ensure that the resources that you requested are within the limits defined for the project.

    3. Either reduce your requested resources, or contact your administrator to request more resources.

My Ray cluster is in a failed state


You might have insufficient resources.


The Ray cluster head pod or worker pods are not running. When a Ray cluster is created, it initially enters a failed state. This failed state usually resolves after the reconciliation process completes and the Ray cluster pods are running.


If the failed state persists, complete the following steps:

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select Pod.

  3. Click your pod name to open the pod details page.

  4. Click the Events tab, and review the pod events to identify the cause of the problem.

  5. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your administrator to request assistance.

I see a failed to call webhook error message for the CodeFlare Operator


After you run the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

ApiException: (500)
Reason: Internal Server Error
HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://codeflare-operator-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"codeflare-operator-webhook-service\"","reason":"InternalError","details":{"causes":[{"message":"failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://codeflare-operator-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"codeflare-operator-webhook-service\""}]},"code":500}

The CodeFlare Operator pod might not be running.


Contact your administrator to request assistance.

I see a failed to call webhook error message for Kueue


After you run the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

ApiException: (500)
Reason: Internal Server Error
HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://kueue-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"kueue-webhook-service\"","reason":"InternalError","details":{"causes":[{"message":"failed calling webhook \"\": failed to call webhook: Post \"https://kueue-webhook-service.redhat-ods-applications.svc:443/mutate-ray-io-v1-raycluster?timeout=10s\": no endpoints available for service \"kueue-webhook-service\""}]},"code":500}

The Kueue pod might not be running.


Contact your administrator to request assistance.

My Ray cluster doesn’t start


After you run the cluster.up() command, when you run either the cluster.details() command or the cluster.status() command, the Ray Cluster remains in the Starting status instead of changing to the Ready status. No pods are created.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Check the workload resource:

    1. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select Workload.

    2. Select the workload resource that is created with the Ray cluster resource, and click the YAML tab.

    3. Check the text in the status.conditions.message field, which provides the reason for remaining in the Starting state.

  3. Check the Ray cluster resource:

    1. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select RayCluster.

    2. Select the Ray cluster resource, and click the YAML tab.

    3. Check the text in the status.conditions.message field.


If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your administrator to request assistance.

I see a Default Local Queue …​ not found error message


After you run the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

Default Local Queue with true annotation not found please create a default Local Queue or provide the local_queue name in Cluster Configuration.

No default local queue is defined, and a local queue is not specified in the cluster configuration.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select LocalQueue.

  3. Resolve the problem in one of the following ways:

    • If a local queue exists, add it to your cluster configuration as follows:

    • If no local queue exists, contact your administrator to request assistance.

I see a local_queue provided does not exist error message


After you run the cluster.up() command, the following error is shown:

local_queue provided does not exist or is not in this namespace. Please provide the correct local_queue name in Cluster Configuration.

An incorrect value is specified for the local queue in the cluster configuration, or an incorrect default local queue is defined. The specified local queue either does not exist, or exists in a different namespace.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select LocalQueue.

  3. Resolve the problem in one of the following ways:

    • If a local queue exists, ensure that you spelled the local queue name correctly in your cluster configuration, and that the namespace value in the cluster configuration matches your project name. If you do not specify a namespace value in the cluster configuration, the Ray cluster is created in the current project.

    • If no local queue exists, contact your administrator to request assistance.

I cannot create a Ray cluster or submit jobs


After you run the cluster.up() command, an error similar to the following error is shown:

RuntimeError: Failed to get RayCluster CustomResourceDefinition: (403)
Reason: Forbidden
HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:regularuser-project:regularuser-workbench\" cannot list resource \"rayclusters\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"regularuser-project\"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{"group":"","kind":"rayclusters"},"code":403}

The correct OpenShift login credentials are not specified in the TokenAuthentication section of your notebook code.

  1. Identify the correct OpenShift login credentials as follows:

    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console header, click your username and click Copy login command.

    2. In the new tab that opens, log in as the user whose credentials you want to use.

    3. Click Display Token.

    4. From the Log in with this token section, copy the token and server values.

  2. In your notebook code, specify the copied token and server values as follows:

    auth = TokenAuthentication(
        token = "<token>",
        server = "<server>",

My pod provisioned by Kueue is terminated before my image is pulled


Kueue waits for a period of time before marking a workload as ready, to enable all of the workload pods to become provisioned and running. By default, Kueue waits for 5 minutes. If the pod image is very large and is still being pulled after the 5-minute waiting period elapses, Kueue fails the workload and terminates the related pods.

  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, select your project from the Project list.

  2. Click Search, and from the Resources list, select Pod.

  3. Click the Ray head pod name to open the pod details page.

  4. Click the Events tab, and review the pod events to check whether the image pull completed successfully.


If the pod takes more than 5 minutes to pull the image, contact your administrator to request assistance.